Writer-Editor Specializing in Nonprofit / Association Assignments

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Name: Kenneth J Fanelli

Type of Writer: Magazine Writer / Feature Writer / Journalist

Location: United States

Rate Type: per project

Average / Typical Rate: $250 - 500

My Website / Portfolio: 

Profile Summary

- feature article writing
- editing for substance and/or style (AP style or U. of Chicago Press preferred)
- areas of interest include: the arts, architecture/historic preservation, the hospitality industry, history, business ethics, nonprofit management and psychology
- promotional copy writing
- researching and indexing

Experience / Education / Qualifications

More than 30 years of experience as a publications professional and project manager for nonprofits (i.e., member and trade associations, museums, universities, and Catholic and Mainline Protestant organizations).

How to Contact Me

Email artificerex9@gmail.com or call (304) 839-7114.