freelance writer/copywriter/technical writer

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Name: David Herrle

Type of Writer: Other Freelance Writers

Location: Pittsburgh

Rate Type: per article (or blog post)

Average / Typical Rate: $50 - 100

My Website / Portfolio:

Profile Summary

I'm seeking publications or individuals in need of feature articles, creative and contextual interviews, book/album/film/TV reviews and essays. Clients can count on my many years of experience in writing, editing, proofreading, writing press releases and such. After working as a Proofreader/Research Librarian for about a decade, then changing course to help grow the business of an independent bookseller/distributor, I returned to the former company as a Technical Writer. Now I focus primarily on freelance writing and manuscript consultation for authors who want astute analysis, feedback and assessment, as well as content editing/rewriting/reformatting/reworking in preparation for publication.

Experience / Education / Qualifications

I graduated *magna cum laude* with an English degree from Point Park University in Pittsburgh, I’ve done work for *Verbicide* magazine, I do regular in-depth artist interviews for *loBURN Magazine*, and I produce and edit a non-profit writing/visual art site called *SubtleTea* (, as well as a book-review site called *Bookolage* ( Personal publishing credits include two books, *Abyssinia, Jill Rush* and *Sharon Tate and the Daughters of Joy*, book and movie reviews, book endorsements, work in literary anthologies, et al.
My review of one of the books by Rolf Gompertz (author/Simon Wiesenthal Center lecturer) is filed in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum archives, excerpts of my writing are featured in Dr. Bruce Longenecker’s *Hitler, Jesus and Our Common Humanity*, I’ve lectured World Literature classes at Point Park University, I’m familiar with *MLA Style Manual*, *Chicago Manual of Style*, *Elements of Style* and *Associated Press Stylebook* – and I have mixed feelings about the Oxford Comma.

How to Contact Me

via email: