Freelance Writer, Editor and Medical Professional

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Name: Brad Silver

Type of Writer: Blogger / Web Content Writer

Location: United States

Rate Type: per article (or blog post)

Average / Typical Rate: $50 - 100

My Website / Portfolio: 

Profile Summary

My writing ability was not molded by a degree, but instead evolved from years of reading, research and the study of medicine. As a student, I participated in the writing and publishing of many scientific papers, some of which have been published in Pain and Neuroscience. I have always had a love for literature and the lost art of clear, concise and informative writing.

Experience / Education / Qualifications

Bachelors Degree in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuropsychology.
Experience writing dozens of scientific papers, some of which have been published.
Vast knowledge in the following areas: Medicine, Technology, Gaming and Finance.
Currently a surgical devices representative as well as a professional gamer.

How to Contact Me

If you are interested in hiring me, please send an email to