Earned Media Specialist

Name: Jennifer Roland

Type of Writer: Magazine Writer / Feature Writer / Journalist

Location: United States

Rate Type: per article (or blog post)

Average / Typical Rate:

My Website / Portfolio: http://Jennifer-Roland.com

Profile Summary

You have a great product, but no one can buy it if they don't know about it. You need press releases and professionally written articles to place in the trades. With her combination of on-staff experience and freelance expertise, Jennifer can take care of the writing so you can focus on what you do best.

Experience / Education / Qualifications

Jennifer's on-staff experience at magazines, research journals, and newspapers gives her a distinct advantage over other freelancers. She knows the ropes so that you and your product look professional, no matter whether you use your or her byline.

The showpiece of her experience is her book, The Best of Learning & Leading with Technology (http://jennifer-roland.com/about/media-kit/). You'll also find other print writing samples on her site.

For business writing samples, including press releases and direct mail pieces, please contact Jennifer directly.

Jennifer holds bachelor's degrees in journalism and political science from the University of Oregon. She also focused her studies on linguistics, history, and literature.

How to Contact Me
