Free Action Plan Worksheet

for Freelance Writers

You set your freelance writing goals. But do you know how you can actually reach them? Career goals can be “big” and even long-term, such as hitting a yearly income target. This action plan template can help you find your way there.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by an ambitious goal for your freelance writing business, come up with a step-by-step action plan.

Start by figuring out your measurement of success (an income goal, a number of new bylines or clients, etc.). Then break that goal down into actionable steps to make it more achievable (such as smaller monthly income targets to get you to your yearly goal).

You can use this action plan worksheet as many times as you need to for each goal you’ve set for your freelance career or other projects.

This Action Plan Worksheet Can Help You:

  • Measure your freelance writing goals.
  • Estimate costs, time commitments, and other resources for each goal.
  • Reach your goals by creating a list of specific action steps to get you there.