Below you can find all of my currently available books for writers. You can find e-books in my Query-Free Freelancer series, followed by a collection of free e-books I offer for download.
Note: As of September 20, 2024, all older premium e-books were removed from the market. Keep a look out for new e-books coming soon, or subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter to hear about them when they launch.
Free E-books
How to Write an E-book in Just 14 Days
This e-book is designed to help the reader write, publish, and market their own e-book — one they either plan to sell or give away for free as a marketing tool. It includes background articles to help the reader first understand the e-book publishing process, and then takes them through a 14-day e-book writing plan from concept to launch. (Please note: This guide focuses on traditional .pdf "information product" e-books and not the Amazon style self publishing process.)
You CAN Attract New Freelance Writing Clients (Even During a Recession)
This report is designed to explain why many freelance writers actually grow their businesses during recessions, while offering tips for strategic changes that keep new clients coming regardless of a slow economy.
Press Releases Made Easy
Whether you want to learn how to write press releases for clients or to promote your own news, this e-book offers guidance on how to write press releases and use Web-based distribution to build exposure.