Experienced journalist and creative writer

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Name: Rachel Watts

Type of Writer: Magazine Writer / Feature Writer / Journalist

Location: Perth, Western Australia

Rate Type: per hour

Average / Typical Rate: $50 - 100

My Website / Portfolio: http://leatherboundpounds.com/

Profile Summary

I am a freelance writer from Perth, Western Australia. I have a background in local news, I wrote and edited community newspapers for ten years. I also keep a book review blog of my own and I am currently studying a Masters Degree in creative writing.

My specific interest is in books, reading and literacy. I have spent the past four years developing a platform for my book reviews. I also have an interest in mental well being, addiction recovery, fitness and writing.

Experience / Education / Qualifications

+ 10 years experience as a journalist - working as a reporter, editor and social media manager.
+ Four years experience as a book review blogger, six years experience as a blogger generally.
+ BA with honours in Political Science.
+ Graduate Diploma in Journalism.
+ Currently studying for a Masters Degree in Creative Writing.

How to Contact Me

Find out more at http://leatherboundpounds.com/contact/ or email me at leatherboundpounds@gmail.com