Marketing/Healthcare Writer with 10 years experience as a full-time freelancer

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Name: Darla Ferrara

Type of Writer: Health or Medical Writer

Location: Lincoln, NE

Rate Type: per article (or blog post)

Average / Typical Rate: $50 - 100

My Website / Portfolio:

Profile Summary

Darla is a full-time freelance writer published internationally and an award-winning author. Over the last decade, she has ghostwritten memoirs for a successful entrepreneur and created byline pieces for USAToday, Jillian Michaels, USARiseUP, New York Times --, Multibrief, MedCity News, LiveStrong and AOL. Darla is known for her ability to take complex topics and make them clear to anyone.

Experience / Education / Qualifications

Studied biology at the University of Nebraska
Emergency Medical Technology NRP certifications
Additional courses:
Cardiac Arrest, Hypothermia, and Resuscitation Science, Certification
Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Certificationcation
The Addicted Brain Certification with Distinction

How to Contact Me

Contact via email at or LinkedIn at: