About All Freelance Writing

All Freelance Writing has been helping new freelance writers build successful freelance writing careers for nearly 20 years.

The site is owned by professional blogger, freelance business writer and author, Jenn Mattern. She won't coddle you. She won't feed you feel-good lines about how anyone and everyone can be a successful writer, that this is easy, or that you're guaranteed success if you just do X, Y, or Z.

There are plenty of other freelance writing sites that will feed you whatever BS you want to hear (usually to sell you on their false promises later). At All Freelance Writing what you'll find is the truth.

Writing is real work. And All Freelance Writing is a collection of resources, advice, and tips for those who strive to become professional freelance writers and succeed in their writing careers. Even more, it's a site for those who want to learn the business side of freelancing and who are eager to put in that work.

If you think a writing career is going to be handed to you, All Freelance Writing isn't for you. If you're looking for someone to reinforce delusions like...

  • writing for content mills or media sites that exploit writers is a smart way to get your foot in the door as a freelance writer;
  • if you can write reasonably well, that's all you need to succeed in freelance writing;
  • it's a great idea to put all your eggs in the bidding sites basket because "that's where the clients are;"
  • it's enough to browse job boards and apply for gigs;
  • joining a "tribe" for the perpetual echo chamber and constant self-gratuitous cross-promotion is the best way to promote yourself or your content...

you probably won't like what you read here.

But if you're serious about your writing career, you're willing to work for it, and you want advice, tips, and resources that can help you out along the way, then you're in the right place.

While All Freelance Writing offers some premium features and products, the vast majority of resources here are free. That's the way it's always been on this site. And that's the way it will stay. Want to see what All Freelance Writing has to offer?

Start with these: Freelance Writing Job Board  |  Writers' Market Directory  |  Freelance Writers' Resource Collection  |  Freelance Writing Articles

Have questions or suggestions? Contact me.

All Freelance Writing History

All Freelance Writing launched in 2006, originally as a collaborative blog called Six Figure Writers.

The All Freelance Writing brand launched in 2007 when SixFigureWriters.com was merged with Mattern's freelance writing jobs site, AllFreelanceWritingJobs.com (now the All Freelance Writing Job Board).

Over the years, All Freelance Writing alternated between operating as a multi-contributor website and a single-author blog. For a while it was re-branded as All Indie Writers and the site catered to indie authors and bloggers in addition to freelancers.

In addition to housing a blog covering all things freelance writing, the site serves as a resource for freelance writers early in their careers featuring freelance writing jobs, a writers' market databasefreelance writer directoryonline tools and templatese-books, and more.

About Jennifer Mattern

Jennifer Mattern, founder of AllFreelanceWriting.comJennifer Mattern is a freelance business writer, PR and online marketing consultant, professional blogger, and author.

Jenn started writing and editing professionally in 1999, began web development work in 2004 when she went out on her own full-time, and started blogging in 2005. She currently owns and manages numerous websites and blogs covering topics such as online business, freelance writing, social media and PR, and more.

Jenn published several e-books, starting in 2006, on topics including public relations and freelance writing. She also writes fiction under multiple pen names and is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association.

Jenn previously owned a PR firm where she was an early specialist in online PR and social media consulting. Now she reserves those marketing and PR skills primarily for her own business, sometimes consulting with long-time clients, and teaching writers how to build a writer platform and gain visibility for their work.

Jenn understands what it takes to succeed as a freelance professional and writer. Through All Freelance Writing she hopes to put her experiences to use helping other freelance writers pursue their own successful writing careers.