Should You Disable the No-Follow Attribute on Your Blog Comments?

I just read a post on Julia Temlyn’s blog about her removing the no-follow attribute on her blog comments, encouraging others to do the same. Personally, I think that’s a really bad idea, and would encourage just the opposite. Here’s my response, posted to her blog: It’s a nice thought in a general sense, but is missing a few points: 1. Having no follow on

When to Turn Down Freelance Writing Jobs

If you’re the type of freelance writer that accepts every writing job that you’re offered, you’re very likely dooming your writing career. The best writers are always choosy in who they work with. They set standards such as: The types of clients (or industry / niche of clients) that they’ll work with. This allows them to develop a reputation as an expert writer in a

Start Your Own Publishing Company

If you’re interested in becoming an author, you have a few publishing options: most notably working with a publisher or self-publishing either through a vanity press or print-on-demand (POD) publisher (like One of the biggest problems writers face when deciding to self-publish a book is the lack of “legitimacy” they still often face in the eyes of buyers. Starting your own small publishing company

3 Tips to Network Your Way to a Better Freelance Writing Career

It’s no secret that business networking is vital to the careers of many successful freelance writers. Networking is simply the act of connecting with colleagues, potential clients, or others in your industry, and those connections have a tendency to lead to freelance writing gigs; including unpublished ones. How My Network Gets Me Gigs Personally, I get the majority of my clients (both in writing and