3 Freelance Writing Templates & Worksheets

In the last couple of posts we talked about learning new types of freelance writing projects. And I promised I’d release a few new free downloads this month to help you with that. Today I have three of them for you. Below you’ll find links to download a free press release template, and worksheets to help you outline case studies and white papers. These are

Reader Question: Learning New Freelance Writing Projects Quickly

This post contains an affiliate link to Peter Bowerman’s Well-Fed Craft course. For new freelance writers, one of the most common challenges I hear about is the fear that sets in when a client asks them to take on a freelance writing project they’ve never done before. For example, perhaps they usually write web copy, and a client asks them to write a case study.

Your Freelance Writing Bucket List

With this month’s focus being on getting started as a freelance writer or revamping your freelance writing business, let’s talk about long-term goals and aspirations. Namely, let’s talk about your freelance writing bucket list. If you’re a planner (and I highly recommend always having a plan to guide you), you probably set yearly goals. They give you direction when tweaking your quarterly, monthly, weekly, and

Bullshit Freelance Writing Advice (Why Writers Believe It & What You Really Need to Know)

Especially after this past year, I am left with precisely zero bullshit tolerance. That goes double when you spew nonsense advice in the direction of new freelance writers. They hear so much garbage, half-assed advice it’s a small miracle some of them survive even a year in business. So bring your BS my way, and I’ll leave you shoveling shit while I set you straight. What if

Reader Question: How Can Freelance Writers Sell Poetry & Fiction?

The type of freelance writing most often discussed here is business writing — anything from copywriting to freelance blogging. But there are paying markets for just about any type of writing you can think of — including creative writing like poetry and fiction. That’s what Daniel Cowick wanted to talk about when he submitted this question on freelance writing markets: I write poetry, prose, lyrics,

Reader Question: Will Being a Weekend Warrior Turn Off Freelance Writing Clients?

If you’re still toying with the idea of starting a freelance writing career, but you can’t work normal business hours, this one’s for you. Christian Simmons wanted to start freelancing, but with only weekends free for freelance writing work, they had concerns. Here’s Christian’s situation: How can I have a freelance writing business when the weekends are all I’ve got to write and see clients?

Reader Question: How to Estimate Project Time When Quoting Freelance Writing Jobs

A lot of time has been spent on this blog talking about the basics of setting your freelance writing rates — figuring out how much you need to earn, figuring out how much that means you need to charge per hour, converting those hourly rate goals into project rates, etc. But what happens if you’re still new to freelancing and you have no idea how