Stop Romanticizing the “Starving Artist”

Note: The following is an archived email newsletter, originally distributed on August 27, 2019. Minor updates were made as-necessary. To receive content like this before it appears in archives, subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter and blog updates. If you’ve been on Twitter over the last few days, you’ve probably seen authors and other writers talking about the old “starving artist” myth. This was sparked by

Websites & Blogs that Pay Writers $500 or More

One of the more popular posts here at All Freelance Writing is my auto-updated list of websites and blogs that pay $100 or more per article. But $100 per post isn’t the great rate some newer freelancers think it is. That’s a low rate on the professional scale, though thankfully those gigs are advertised more often these days than even just a few years ago.