Revenue Sharing 2.0 (& Why it Still Sucks for Writers)

I can’t believe the issue of revenue sharing models is still relevant today in the writing community, but here we are. In this past week alone, companies exploiting these models have come up twice right in my Twitter feed. So, clearly, it’s time for a fresh look. Summary: Revenue share models are never about helping you as a writer, but they’re almost always marketed this

Print Markets Paying Writers $500+

In the latest featured collection of freelance writing markets, today we’ll look at print markets paying writers $500 or more per piece. Please note, some of these print markets have both print and online versions so project types and payment might vary between them. Also note that while these markets advertise rates of $500 or more for at least one project type, they may also

Bullet Journals for Writers

NOTE: This post on bullet journals for writers is a significantly updated version of my 2018 post on how I use various types of journaling to manage nearly everything in my business and my life. In this 2021 update, the focus is much more centered on bullet journals in particular. Here you’ll find my updated list of bullet journal spreads and even more bullet journal