Freelance Writing Pros on What They Wish They Knew as Beginners

New freelance writers are full of questions. “How do I get started?” “Where are the high paying freelance writing jobs?” “Should I sign up for freelance marketplaces or find my own clients?” I hear questions like these all the time. But are they the kinds of things beginner freelance writers really need to know? To find out, I caught up with some more experienced freelancers —

10 Ways to Land Your First Freelance Writing Job

Your first freelance writing job can be the most difficult to land. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Potential clients are all around you, and you might be closer to your first than you realize. Or maybe they’re halfway across the world and you just haven’t figured out how to find them yet. Let’s look at some ways you can land your first

How to Build a Freelance Writing Business From (Almost) Nothing

Whether you’re a new freelance writer or you’re still deciding whether or not to launch a freelance writing business, the costs are something you’ll need to consider. Fortunately, becoming a freelance writer doesn’t have to be expensive. You can do it for under $100 up front. And you can certainly launch with even less than that. Let’s look at some of the costs involved in

Getting Started (or Starting Over): 3 Simple Tasks for Freelance Writers

Are you thinking about jumping into freelance writing for the first time in the New Year? Or are you thinking about starting over or making major changes in your freelance business? In either case, you still have a bit of time to get prepared so you don’t kick off 2018 feeling overwhelmed. I definitely fall in the latter group this year. To say nothing has

Get Started as a Part-Time Freelance Writer: Reader Questions

Today I’d like to share some reader questions from a reader who preferred to remain anonymous. His questions revolve around getting started as a new freelance writer on a part-time basis. We’ll call him Matt for the sake of this post. Jen Grant, whom I answered in our last reader Q&A post, asked for something similar during a Twitter conversation recently: @AllIndieWriters Jenn! Thank you!

5 Online Writing Jobs for Beginners

Are you a new freelance writer looking to write online? When you’re just getting started as a freelance writer, you probably have a lot of questions. And one of those questions is probably about what kinds of gigs are actually open to new writers. If you want to focus on writing for the Web, there are several types of gigs you can find, no matter

Getting Started in Ghostwriting

Believe it or not, getting started in ghostwriting is almost exactly the same as getting started in non-spooky freelancing. It’s about coming up with a plan, announcing your service, and preparing for follow-through. Coming Up with a Plan You need to consider how ghostwriting fits into your business. Will it be your primary focus, or something you do on the side? How will you fit

Reader Questions: Getting Started as a Freelance Writer

I was contacted recently by freelance writer, Steve Koch, with some questions that might be on the mind of other new freelancers. He agreed to let me publish my responses on the blog so hopefully other readers with similar questions will benefit. Reader Questions “I have some general questions about getting started as a freelance writer. I have gone to the usual attempts (elance, helium

Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners: Where to Start

I’m a big fan of what I like to call “query-free freelancing.” That means I don’t generally pursue freelance writing jobs. I do things that attract clients to me instead. For example, I run blogs that keep me fresh in prospects’ minds and I make sure my business site is well-optimized for search engines so I’m one of the first writers prospects find when they search for

Getting Started as a Freelance Writer Without Getting Exploited

Starting out in freelance writing is an exciting time. Dreams of typing all day in a sunny coffee shop and nonchalantly telling people you write for a living are seductive. The alternative stereotype is also appealing to many: getting up at noon and working in your pajamas, perhaps in bed. Surely this career is bordering on perfect. However getting started as a freelance writer is

Getting Started in Magazine Writing With Linda Formichelli

This week our “Getting Started” series post is a bit later than usual due to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in the U.S. We’re kicking things off with a bang though, as we welcome Linda Formichelli! Linda will talk about getting started as a freelance magazine writer. It’s a topic we don’t touch on very often here at All Freelance Writing since my own career is

Getting Started in Writing for Trades With Christa Miller

In this week’s installment of our “Getting Started” series, we’ll hear from Christa Miller on what it’s like to start writing for trade publications. One of my own favorite projects is ghostwriting client features for trades. Interested in breaking into the style, either ghosting or by-lined? Christa offers some tips help you get there. Here’s what she had to say: On How She Started Writing

Getting Started in Screenwriting with Xandy Sussan

Today in our “Getting Started” series, screenwriter / television writer Xandy Sussan stops by to talk to us about screenwriting. Whether you’re looking for a way to freelance in fiction or you simply want to pursue a screenplay or teleplay as a creative side project, there are some things you should know before jumping in. Here’s what Sussan had to say: On How She Started

Getting Started in Copywriting With Angela Booth

Today in our “Getting Started” series, copywriter Angela Booth will be our guest. She’ll share a bit about her own history on how she got started in copywriting and offer some advice and tips for aspiring copywriters. Do you have what it takes? Here’s what Angela had to say: On How She Started in Copywriting… “By accident. In the early 1980s I was writing romance

Getting Started in Writing Fiction With Evan Marshall

Today in our “Getting Started” series, we’ll hear from novelist, literary agent, and nonfiction author Evan Marshall. If you’d like writing fiction to be a part of your future, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better brain to pick on the topic. I’ve personally been a big fan of his Marshall Plan for Novel Writing for years (a book, workbook, and software package are all

Getting Started in Ghostwriting With Anne Wayman

Today in our “Getting Started” series, we’ll hear from Anne Wayman, a freelance ghostwriter. If you’ve considered ghostwriting books as an option for your own career, you can learn a lot from Anne. This interview is designed to serve as a starting point to tell you how she got started and offer a few tips from a pro to those of you interested in following