Paying Markets Seeking Submissions from Under-Represented Writers in 2025

Competition for publication is not equal. Some of us have it easier than others. And some writers face challenges and prejudices others of us don’t. If you are a member of a group of under-represented writers (based on race, gender, disability, etc.), this market list is for you. Below you’ll find a collection of publications, both print and online, specifically seeking pitches or submissions from

Print Publications that Pay Writers $500+ per Article in 2025

In this collection of freelance writing markets, we’ll look at print publications that pay writers $500 per article and more. Some of these markets may include both print and digital versions of their publications, and project types and payments may vary between the two. Please note, while these markets advertise rates of $500 or more for at least one project type, they may also have

Get Paid to Write Essays: Freelance Essay Writing Markets (2024)

How would you like to get paid to write essays? To earn money sharing your thoughts or stories about your lived experiences? From personal essays to issue-based ones, freelance essay markets might be a good fit for you. Below you’ll find a collection of websites and other publications that pay for essays. Get Paid to Write Essays for These Publications More About These Paying Essay

The Best Way to Use AI to Make Money as a Freelance Writer

We’ve looked at the impact AI content could have on the freelance writing industry, ethical AI issues you need to be aware of, and specific AI writing tools you can try. Now it’s time to move on to the fun stuff. What better place to start than the absolute best way to use AI to make money as a freelance writer? If you search blogs

10 Ways to Land Your First Freelance Writing Job

Your first freelance writing job can be the most difficult to land. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Potential clients are all around you, and you might be closer to your first than you realize. Or maybe they’re halfway across the world and you just haven’t figured out how to find them yet. Let’s look at some ways you can land your first

Revenue Sharing 2.0 (& Why it Still Sucks for Writers)

I can’t believe the issue of revenue sharing models is still relevant today in the writing community, but here we are. In this past week alone, companies exploiting these models have come up twice right in my Twitter feed. So, clearly, it’s time for a fresh look. Summary: Revenue share models are never about helping you as a writer, but they’re almost always marketed this

30 Paying Markets for Short Fiction

Most freelance writing gigs are of a nonfiction nature, but if you’re looking to flex your creative muscles, freelance writers’ markets also exist for short fiction. It’s important to note that fiction often pays less, and sometimes much less, than more traditional freelance writing jobs. But if you want to try your hand at it, below you’ll find some markets to consider submitting your work to. What

Websites & Blogs that Pay Writers $500 or More

One of the more popular posts here at All Freelance Writing is my auto-updated list of websites and blogs that pay $100 or more per article. But $100 per post isn’t the great rate some newer freelancers think it is. That’s a low rate on the professional scale, though thankfully those gigs are advertised more often these days than even just a few years ago.

Poetry Writers’ Markets Paying $50 (and more!)

  Most freelance writing markets promoted here revolve around nonfiction writing. But plenty of outlets are interested in your more creative writing as well — such as poetry. These poetry writers’ markets can pay $50, and sometimes much more, for accepted poems. Like other market lists at All Freelance Writing, be sure to check this one often if you’re looking to become a published poet.

Freelance Writing Markets Paying $1000 Per Article or More

With the newly re-launched writers’ markets directory here at All Freelance Writing, I have the ability to create and share specialized markets with you that will automatically update when markets are added, removed, or changed in the database. For example, if you’re looking for freelance writing assignments in magazines or higher-competition online publications, this is an updated list of markets that pay $1000 (and more) for

How to Break Into New (and Higher Paying) Freelance Writing Markets

Yesterday I asked on Twitter what All Freelance Writing’s readers wanted to learn about here. Courtney Ramirez responded saying that she wanted to learn more about breaking into newer and better freelance writing markets. It’s something I talk about a lot on this blog — setting higher freelance writing rates and how that often involves re-targeting your market. Now let’s talk about how to make

Get Paid to Build Your Writer Platform

We recently talked about 30 ways to build your writer platform. In that list of things to consider pursuing to build your visibility, you may have noticed that several platform-building techniques have an added bonus–you can get paid for your efforts! This is one of my favorite things about query-free freelancing. Unlike spending a lot of unpaid time writing queries to various companies and publications