The Things WAHM Never Admit To…But I Will

It’s secret time! It’s been my experience that we all have a few dirty little secrets stashed away, and working from behind a computer screen lets us get away with a few harmless fibs every now and then – not that I would lie. I really do still look like that picture I posted from ten years ago…before two c-section deliveries…really, I’m still that hot! I just protect the hotness with sloppy clothing and some layers of “mommy comfort.” Which brings me to the first thing I’m willing to admit.

I might be brilliant, but I’m not dressing up for you.

I have no idea what people like to picture when you’re on the phone chatting about projects reaching into the four digits. I put on a great business persona, but more often than not you’ll find me sitting in pajamas with a sink full of dirty dishes in the background. I’m barefoot. My clothes are covered with the paint I used in the kitchen last summer and I’m sure as hell not wearing a bra. In my universe, by 9pm when I’m just settling down for a good night’s round of work, I look like I just woke up or I’m on my way to bed. Which I am…in four more hours.

Yes, I’m really too busy to clean my house.

People who don’t have children seem to have this image of work-at-home moms as having all the time in the world. After all, the moms you see on television have hours to sit and gossip over coffee in an immaculate kitchen while the baby naps. Not in my world. A real working mom is frantically busy all of the time – at least until the kids get old enough to be granted some independence giving mom some blessed independence, too. In the meantime, there have to be sacrifices. In this household, it’s the chores that go out the window. Who really needs clean sheets anyway?

I actually like this job, thank you very much!

I created my own business because I wanted to use my skills and abilities as a source of income. I’m not stupid. I’m not gullible. I’m not in this as a hobby, and I’m not doing this just to give me a “creative outlet” while I’m playing house. If you tell me that I am not serious about this because I’m a WAHM or try to take advantage of me thinking I’m not savvy enough to know how the internet marketplace works, shame on you. I like to write. I’m not looking for a bit of extra money to buy myself a little treat. I’m not doing this until I go back to work. I am at work. And I’ll be here long after the kids have grown.

Profile image for Rebecca Garland
Rebecca is a full-time everything. She teaches English and reading to her much loved, if challenging, high school students during the day and is a freelance education writer in the evenings. With almost ten years in the classroom and advanced degrees in business and information science, Rebecca specializes in materials that inform, educate and entertain. Rebecca indulges herself by pretending to have spare time and writing about the ups and downs of being a freelancing mama whenever she gets a chance.

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4 thoughts on “The Things WAHM Never Admit To…But I Will”

  1. I’m glad you mentioned the cleaning the house bit…I was telling my husband that after the baby is born and I’m too busy with baby for the full-time work week, I’ll want to hire someone to do some basic cleaning maintenance. He said that plenty of people that both work and have kids keep their house clean, so it shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t think so. The 10 minute breaks I take throughout the day can’t be entirely devoted to house work.

    Between the intolerable morning sickness and the strain (well, lots of work at least) of rebranding, I’ve let things like bras and super-stringent cleaning and putting on anything other than my sweatpants, tee shirt and sweatshirt go by the wayside. Less important than the queries and pitches and blog posts and social media and client work.

  2. I got so excited reading this post! I kept saying “yes” and nodding my head! I’m in my big comfy chair with my bare feet up on the ottoman, a sink full of dirty dishes and my son’s toys are all over the place. Love it! 🙂

  3. Great article! I’m working a temp full-time job, but when I was at home I wouldn’t dress up. I’d dress in my workout gear because I’d go for a hike after I finished my writing!


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