Travel Writing Markets for Freelance Writers

Freelance Writing Markets that Pay for Travel Writing -

Do you wish you could get paid to write about your traveling experience and favorite destinations? Are you a digital nomad freelance writer and you'd like to be paid to write about the places you visit on your journey? If so, consider pursuing travel writing markets like those found in the All Freelance Writing writers' market database.

In the list below, click on any travel writing market link to visit the publication's official writers' guidelines.

Tip: The markets below accept travel-related, or travel writing related, stories. But they don't all focus specifically on travel. When searching for related markets here or elsewhere, remember to consider regional markets and other types of publications with your travel stories.

The Travel Writing Markets

AARP The Magazine

AARP The Magazine claims to be the "world's largest circulation magazine." Catering to the over-50 crowd, the magazine accepts freelance submissions in the following categories: finance, health, food, travel, consumerism, general interest, and relationships. Rate of pay is not currently included in their published writers' guidelines.


Abilities is a Canadian cross-disability lifestyle magazine covering travel, health, careers, education, relationships, parent, social policy, and more. Honoraria range from $50-325 for professional submissions.

Alaska Parent

Alaska Parent magazine accepts freelance submissions covering parenting topics such as education, pregnancy and babies, holidays, nutrition, special needs, family travel, and more. They accept both original content and reprints. Pay is generally $40-200 for original articles and $25-40 for reprints. They accept feature stories of 800-1200 words, short features of 500-800 words, and tips articles of 150-600 words.

International Living

International Living publishes content about the positive sides of living, working, and retiring overseas. They're open to submissions for their Daily Postcards as well as stories from expats to be published on the International Living website.

Los Angeles Times - Travel

The LA Times accepts freelance contributions to its travel section, both in print and online. They buy first North American rights, and have strict ethical standards (please review their linked guidelines for details). They prefer 2000-word first-person pieces and 500-700 word "Guidebooks." Pay starts at $200 (and starts at $350 for destination feature stories).

Outpost Travel Magazine

Outpost Travel Magazine combines expert tips, long-form travel journalism, travel stories, and guides. Print features generally run 2000-4000 words while online articles range from 800-1500 words. Pay rates are negotiated with writers on an individual contract basis.

The Green Parent

The Green Parent is a UK-based bi-monthly digital magazine covering topics such as pregnancy & conscious birth, breastfeeding, family life & simple living, alternative education, natural health & beauty, green travel, gardening, sustainable fashion, and more. Articles run 1500-2000 words, and they also accept shorter opinion pieces of 600 words. Pay is £75 per 1000 words.

The Malahat Review

The Malahat Review accepts poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction submissions from writers at all levels of their careers. Poets should submit 3-5 poems up to 10 pages maximum. They accept flash fiction up to 750 words as well as other short fiction up to 8000 words. Creative nonfiction can run up to 5000 words and cover any subject matter including personal essays, memoirs, travel writing, historical accounts, and biographies. Payment is $70CAD per published page.

Yankee Magazine

Yankee is a magazine for the New England region covering topics like travel, food, and home. They also accept personal essays related to the New England experience. The magazine pays on acceptance of freelance stories and purchases all rights.

More About These Travel Writing Markets

Like all market list posts here at All Freelance Writing, these travel writing markets are tied to a larger writers' market database. The list here is updated automatically any time a market in that database is updated, added, or removed.

What does that mean for you?

Consider bookmarking this list of travel writers' markets and checking back from time to time. The list will continue to grow even if the post itself, or its publication date, isn't updated. New markets can show up at any time during the year, and when reports come in to report broken links or changes to a publications' payment terms or guidelines, those will also update here.

You can even help keep these markets up-to-date by clicking on "report link" below any market above if the link to the writers' guidelines is broken or if you notice payment terms here no longer match payment terms on the publisher's own site. That help is always appreciated.

Explore More Writers' Markets

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Profile image for Jennifer Mattern

Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance business writer, consultant, and indie author. She runs numerous websites & blogs including All Freelance Writing, Freelance Writing Pros, NakedPR, and Kiss My Biz.

Jenn has over 25 years' experience as a professional writer and editor and over 20 years' experience in marketing and PR (working heavily in digital PR, online marketing, social media, SEO, new media, and thought leadership publication). She also has 20 years' professional blogging and web publishing experience (including web development) and 19 years of experience as an indie author / publisher.

Jenn also writes fiction under multiple pen names and is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association.

Subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter to get freelance writing updates from Jenn in your inbox.

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