35+ Websites That Pay Writers $100 Per Article and More in 2025

Websites that Pay Freelance Writers $100 or More - AllFreelanceWriting.com

Did you know you can earn $100 or more writing blog posts and other online articles? While it's true the best online writing gigs rarely end up advertised on job boards, you can find other websites that pay writers when you seek out writers' markets instead (publications that accept pitches or submissions on an ongoing basis. Let's focus on who pays writers $100 or more per article.

If you're looking to write articles for money, start with this list of websites that pay $100+ per article. Click any link to see a market's description and to access their writers' guidelines.

Who Pays Writers $100 per Article?

Websites That Pay Freelance Writers $100 (and More)

Adventure Cycling

The Adventure Cycling blog accepts submissions of how-to articles, trip reports, bike overnights, and "inspiring, historical, or amusing stories" related to bicycle travel. Pay is $150-250 per article, with first-time writers paid on the lower end and repeat writers paid on the higher end.

Adventure Cycling Writers' Guidelines.


AGNI accepts stories, essays, and poems that are previously-unpublished. There are no word limits "though space is at a premium and length sometimes affects decisions." They do not publish romance, horror, mystery, or science fiction but are open to fiction borrowing elements of them. They don't publish academic essays or purely journalistic pieces, and they pay $30 per printed page for accepted prose and $50 per page for accepted poetry, up to a maximum of $300. Submissions are considered for both print and online publication. Free submissions may be made via mail.

AGNI Writers' Guidelines.


Autostraddle is a progressively feminist online publication catering to lesbian, bisexual, and queer trans women. They also include content about and by non-binary individuals. Payments are negotiable and start at $200.

Autostraddle Writers' Guidelines.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

Beneath Ceaseless Skies seeks short stories under 15,000 words. They publish "literary adventure fantasy" with secondary-world settings. They pay 8 cents per word.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies Writers' Guidelines.

Briarpatch Magazine

Briarpatch Magazine publishing work of political importance on topics such as grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, labour, gender equity, indigenous struggles, and more. They accept submissions from new and experienced freelance writers alike. Pay is $150 for profiles, short essays, reviews, blog posts, and "parting shots" under 1500 words. Pay is $250 for feature stories and photo essays generally running 1500-2000 words. And pay is $350 for research-based articles and investigative reporting typically running 2000-2500 words.

Briarpatch Magazine Writers' Guidelines.

Broad Street Review

"Broad Street Review is an online arts and culture journal serving the greater Philadelphia area." They publish reviews, features, previews, profiles, and essays around theater, music, visual art, exhibitions, dance, books, film, television, and design. This includes pitches for personal essays tied to life in the Philadelphia area and those related to grassroots social and political efforts, the creative economy, and public spaces. Reviews run 500-850 words, essays 750-1000 words, and previews run 300-500 words. Fees are $50 for previews, profiles, and reviews up to $100 for some longer profiles and features. Payment covers first publication rights (exclusive for 30 days), then non-exclusive rights to maintain pieces in the publication's archive.

Broad Street Review Writers' Guidelines.


BustMold.com is an online publication / blog run by Mold Busters, a licensed mold removal company in Canada. They accept articles related to environmental services, mold removal, asbestos testing, water damage restoration, air duct cleaning, pollution inspection, and building inspections. Articles should be 2000+ words and pay $200 each. They also accept "ultimate guides" of 3000-4000 words, for which they pay $300-400.

BustMold.com Writers' Guidelines.

Clarkesworld Magazine

This magazine is devoted to science fiction, fantasy, and horror. They purchase both fiction and nonfiction writing. Payment for nonfiction is 10 cents per word up to their 2500 word limit. Payment for fiction (1000-22,000 words) is 14 cents per word.

Clarkesworld Magazine Writers' Guidelines.


Cracked.com is a comedy site that publishes listicle-style articles around pop culture topics and more. They pay $150 for a contributor's first four articles and $250 per article after that.

Cracked.com Writers' Guidelines.


DAME is a women-led, independent, reader-funded magazine. It accepts essays and reported features from freelance writers with a focus on journalism that is both accessible and intersectional. Pay is $350-750 for reported stories.

DAME Writers' Guidelines.

Damn Interesting

Damn Interesting shares "fascinating but obscure true stories" in the areas of history, science, and psychology. They pay $400 for freelance long-form articles.

Damn Interesting Writers' Guidelines.


DigitalOcean publishes tutorials for developers. Topics include Linux administration and tools, Docker tutorials, and security topics. Authors are paid $400 per article. They pay $100 for updates to existing content. DigitalOcean also makes an additional donation to a charity of the author's choice (from a list of approved tech-related funds).

DigitalOcean Writers' Guidelines.

Earth Island Journal

Earth Island Journal covers environmental issues such as wildlife conservation,land conversation,public policy, climate and energy, and more. Contributors are paid $.25 per word for print stories up to 4000 words, with 2800 words being most common. Online reports pay $200 and are a good way for new writers to break into the market.

Earth Island Journal Writers' Guidelines.

Elite Personal Finance

ElitePersonalFinance is a finance blog publishing articles on topics including personal finance, business, making money online, saving money, loans, credit cards, identity theft, credit reports, and related subjects. They pay $300 per 1000-3000 word guest post, and they're open to recurring work with writers.

Elite Personal Finance Writers' Guidelines.

Freedom With Writing

Freedom With Writing is a site focused on helping writes get paid for their writing. They pay $50-150 for these guest contributions.

Freedom With Writing Writers' Guidelines.

Freelance Mom

Freelance Mom is an online publication for professional mothers (though they accept submissions from dads too). The community looks for actionable advice and tips including a 20-30 minute action plan at the end. Articles run 900-1500 words and pay $75-100 each.

Freelance Mom Writers' Guidelines.


HowlRound accepts submissions to its journal from "contributors who are deeply invested in and committed to the theatre field." They accept pieces on theatre commoning, ideas that challenge the status quo, lesser-known or marginalized aesthetics, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility for under-represented theatre communities and practices, and theatre practice and process. They pay honorariums of $200 per single-authored essay and $400 for multi-authored essays and interview pieces.

HowlRound Writers' Guidelines.

Income Diary

IncomeDiary accepts online submissions about web development, web and blog design, SEO, driving traffic, social media, content creation, and making money online. Payments run $150-300 per article.

Income Diary Writers' Guidelines.

Informed Comment

Informed Comment covers political and policy issue around beats including the environment, energy, foreign policy, politics, and the economy. Typical contributors are "high-powered professionals with higher degrees and/or extensive publications in national, prominent venues" such as The Washington Post, The Nation, or Salon. Contributors not meeting those standards are discouraged from applying. Each contribution may cover one point only, over 800-1000 words. They pay a $100 honorarium via PayPal.

Informed Comment Writers' Guidelines.


Knitty.com accepts freelance submissions of knitting articles / tutorials / patterns. Pay attention to the writer's guidelines for notes on when to submit season-specific tutorials. Payments run $200-300 per submission.

Knitty.com Writers' Guidelines.


Listverse publishes list-based posts covering topics ranging from the bizarre to entertainment to science. They pay $100 per accepted post via Paypal. Posts must include at least ten list items.

Listverse Writers' Guidelines.


Longreads accepts submissions of essays and curated reading lists from freelance contributors. Essays and columns run 2000-6000 words. Personal essays should be pitched on-spec, and they pay $500 per essay. Researched and reported essays, critical essays, and columns may be pitched. They also pay $500 per essay. Curated reading lists pay $350.

Longreads Writers' Guidelines.

Los Angeles Times - Travel

The LA Times accepts freelance contributions to its travel section, both in print and online. They buy first North American rights, and have strict ethical standards (please review their linked guidelines for details). They prefer 2000-word first-person pieces and 500-700 word "Guidebooks." Pay starts at $200 (and starts at $350 for destination feature stories).

Los Angeles Times - Travel Writers' Guidelines.

Midwest Living

This lifestyle magazine focuses on the Midwest region of the U.S. They generally run 100-1000 word articles on their website. Pay varies, but they state a first-time writer working with them could generally earn around $200 for one of these scouting or online content assignments.

Midwest Living Writers' Guidelines.

Model Railroad Hobbyist

Model Railroad Hobbyist publishes articles and videos "on all aspects of model railroading and on prototype (real) railroading as a subject for modeling." Articles typically run around 3000 words with 10 photos and a short video clip (payments being $230 for these). $200-600 per feature is typical, though they've paid over $1000 for longer articles as well (such as through their website where length isn't an issue).

Model Railroad Hobbyist Writers' Guidelines.

Nevada Magazine

Nevada Magazine is the state of Nevada's official tourism magazine. Average payment for feature-length stories is $300. They pay on publication, via direct deposit, and they don't pay expenses.

Nevada Magazine Writers' Guidelines.


PDX.Vote is covering elections that impact Portland, Oregon-area residents (including state-level elections and elections happening in other parts of Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas Counties). I’m looking for pitches for articles looking at Portland-area politics. Please send pitches through the contact form at https://pdx.vote/contact/.

I’m especially interested in pitches that cover important issues and how upcoming elections may or may not impact those issues. Some issues I’m looking for articles about are housing access, police violence, and COVID-19 responses. Rates start at $250 and go up for articles requiring substantial research. Please send pitches — not finished pieces. In the pitch, please highlight any personal experiences or expertise that connects to the article you’re pitching.

PDX.Vote Writers' Guidelines.


Pseudopod is an "audio magazine" in the horror genre. Writers can submit their stories to have them read and recorded by voice actors. They pay $20 for flash fiction reprints and $100 for short story reprints, or $.08 per word for original fiction.

Pseudopod Writers' Guidelines.


Rattle accepts unsolicited poetry submissions year-round. They do not accept previously-published work (but publishing to the author's own blog, message boards, and social media accounts are not disqualifying). They encourage simultaneous submissions. Pay is $200 per poem and a one-year subscription if the poem is published in print, and $100 for online contributors.

Rattle Writers' Guidelines.

SmartBusinessTrends.com is a blog covering online marketing, email marketing, Wordpress, and Amazon FBA. They pay $200-500 via PayPal for full rights for tutorials, case studies, and product reviews. They purchase full rights.

Smart Business Trends Writers' Guidelines.

Sport Fishing

Sport Fishing magazine publishes 9 issues per year and focuses on saltwater fishing mostly around North America. They accept features of 1800-2400 words, including sidebars, though their departments are usually staff-written. They pay $750 for print features. Digital features pay $200 for up to 1000 words and $300 for over 1000 words.

Sport Fishing Writers' Guidelines.

The Green Parent

The Green Parent is a UK-based bi-monthly digital magazine covering topics such as pregnancy & conscious birth, breastfeeding, family life & simple living, alternative education, natural health & beauty, green travel, gardening, sustainable fashion, and more. Articles run 1500-2000 words, and they also accept shorter opinion pieces of 600 words. Pay is £75 per 1000 words.

The Green Parent Writers' Guidelines.

The Guardian

The Guardian accepts freelance submissions for its newspaper and website. Freelancers can pitch the commissioning editor of the section they're interested in, and you may be asked to submit the piece on-spec for consideration. They pay freelance contributors based on the fees laid out in their freelance charter found at https://www.theguardian.com/info/guardian-news-media-freelance-charter.

The Guardian Writers' Guidelines.

Tutorial Board

TutorialBoard accepts submissions of tutorials related to Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, and other design software. Tutorials must include downloadable .psd files. Pay is up to $150 per tutorial.

Tutorial Board Writers' Guidelines.

Yes! Magazine

Yes! Magazine features both a print and digital magazine featuring "nonprofit, independent, reader-supported journalism for people building a better world." Articles cover politics, the economy, the planet, and more. Pay for online reported articles is $.40 per word, and pay for print reported articles is $.50 per word. Small stipends may be paid for commentaries rather than reported articles.

Yes! Magazine Writers' Guidelines.

Is $100 per Article a Good Freelance Writing Rate?

This depends entirely on your individual circumstances such as where you live, your level of experience, and your specialty.

For someone like me, with over 20 years of professional writing experience, this would not be a good freelance writing rate. But for a writer with only a few years of experience, either in freelance writing or in their area of subject matter expertise, these gigs could be a good stepping stone to better things.

In general, I would consider $100 per article to be a "low-pro" rate.

My advice to most new freelance writers is to start no lower than $50 per article or per hour (assuming short, relatively simple pieces).

In months to a year, after building a writing portfolio, $100 per article is more than reasonable, so look to raise your rates. And some freelancers will start out well past this rate due to industry experience and contacts outside their new freelance career.

This rate isn't uncommon when it comes to websites that pay for writers regularly and that routinely accept pitches (think online versions of magazines). But they're not found as often in advertised freelance writing jobs, like what you might find on the All Freelance Writing Job Board.

I find this sometimes skews clients' ideas about what "normal" pay for a freelance writer is because higher-paying buyers often don't advertise publicly (they find you via search and referrals), or they're markets that rely on a combination of staff writers and freelance pitches.

Get Help Setting Your Rates

If you're not sure where to set your rates, start by using All Freelance Writing's freelance rate calculator. It has two modes. First, there's a basic mode helping you set rates based on a yearly earnings target. There's also an advanced mode helping you figure out what you need to charge to meet your financial goals.

Calculate Your Freelance Writing Rates

What's the Difference Between Writers' Markets & Freelance Writing Jobs?

While these two terms are sometimes used interchangeably, there's an important difference between markets and freelance writing jobs you'll find on job boards.

  • Writers' markets accept queries or submissions from freelance writers on a regular basis.
  • Freelance writing gigs from job boards are about filling an immediate and specific need.

In other words, markets like those listed above might be open to hearing from you, but that's not a guarantee they're looking to buy what you're offering right now. So they might not be your best option when you need a gig urgently.

That said, pitching markets like these can help freelance writers fill their schedules. For some freelancers, querying markets is the primary, and sometimes only, way they pursue new gigs.

About These Websites That Pay Writers $100 or More

How were markets chosen for this list of websites that pay $100+ per article? My requirements were simple:

  • Each publication had to be an online writer's market (blog, website, digital magazine, etc.). Publications with both print and online versions are also included.
  • Guidelines, or at least payment info, had to be available publicly online (directly from the source).
  • The $100 mark had to fall within the market's pay range for at least one type of writing. For example, some might start at $100, and others might pay "up to" $100.

Something that makes this list of paying writers' markets unique is its source. This list automatically updates whenever markets get added, removed, or edited in the larger writers' market directory.

Be sure to bookmark this page and check back from time to time. You could find new markets at any time, and you'll often find rate changes.

Want Even More Publications and Websites That Pay You to Write?

Browse the full All Freelance Writing writers' markets database for the full collection of magazines and websites that pay you to write articles. On that page you can also find more specialized market lists. And you can browse by niche or industry to find markets that fit your specialty.

Profile image for Jennifer Mattern

Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance business writer, consultant, and indie author. She runs numerous websites & blogs including All Freelance Writing, Freelance Writing Pros, NakedPR, and Kiss My Biz.

Jenn has over 25 years' experience as a professional writer and editor and over 20 years' experience in marketing and PR (working heavily in digital PR, online marketing, social media, SEO, new media, and thought leadership publication). She also has 20 years' professional blogging and web publishing experience (including web development) and 19 years of experience as an indie author / publisher.

Jenn also writes fiction under multiple pen names and is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association.

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118 thoughts on “35+ Websites That Pay Writers $100 Per Article and More in 2025”

      • Thank you so much! I am currently freelance writing for free to gain experience and an insight first. It’s a beautiful company, but I was discouraged when I didn’t see myself improving. Thankfully, they aren’t giving up on me and coaching me with the skills needed. I love writing, and I don’t want to let it go, so I really hope I improve as a writer. I will definitely look towards these websites in the future. God bless!

    • OMG ! Jennifer, if you were close I would kiss you whether you wanted me to or not. I’m 72 and began writing for my 6th grade mimeographed (don’t even know what that was, do you?) newssheet. My class prophesies got me an English abbreviation lesson. I wrote one fellow was going to be the President of the Bald Headed Dog’s Ass. In 1973, I was one of the first female journalists allowed in the Indy 500’s Gasoline Alley…..got there by riding on the coattails of some ladies who’d filed a lawsuit……how far we have come, baby! Am working on a book but my few magazine submissions were never bought and I knew nothing about this world. Thank you more than I can say for your incredible gift for so many! (VisitorTravelBlog wants no more submissions and ScaryMommy.com no longer pays.)

      • Thanks Gloria! This post is actually not being updated anymore, because it’s going to be replaced with an interactive list that automatically updates whenever I update, add, or remove new markets in the larger market database (still online markets in this pay range). I’ll be adding other similar pages for different types of markets or pay levels too. I’m still working out some things with the new directory platform hosting things and serving them to the posts. But that should happen in the first quarter (I’m hoping February).

  1. PostJoint is probably the odd one out. This is only for webmasters with websites that are happy to place paid/sponsored content on, not writers – and the average price they pay tends to be between $10-20 per post.

    • It doesn’t look like the listing is for the guest post / sponsored post connections. In the guidelines I linked in the post, they pretty clearly say it’s for writers to contribute to their own blog, with a $100-200 payout. Here’s the direct link again, which will hopefully clear up any confusion. 🙂

  2. This is an awesome list, Jenn — thanks for including A Fine Parent in it. I look forward to connecting with some of the wonderful parents in your community and sharing their kick-ass articles with our little community!

  3. I really needed to find this. After a negative experience today spent writing a review I was beginning to feel discouraged and disgusted. I have just started down this path. I have written 6 articles and was paid 15 dollars each. The people I encountered were demanding and rude.That’s why this information brightened my day. It is great seeing the words thank you and seeing that manners still exist. I am thinking an article will come from my experience today so it wasn’t a complete fail.

    • Hi Tammy. I’m sorry you had a lousy experience recently. Unfortunately it’s not surprising for the lowest-budget clients to be the most demanding. But it’s a great reason to pick yourself back up and charge better rates in the New Year. Best of luck landing some better clients this year — ones who appreciate you!

  4. thanks for a great and helpful list. I’ve been blogging for five years but just now trying to get paid for some of my efforts. The list is not just for beginners.

  5. Thank you, Jennifer for the list provided. I would like to add an item, where I started myself as a freelance writer and made a decent living for myself – Freelancercareers.

  6. I can just imagine the kind of quality demanded for every article considering it will cost the client $100. This would be amazing for anyone who meets the standards set.

    • I only go by what the public guidelines say for the list. But I’ll put them on a watch list and consider replacing them in the next update if nothing new is published. Thanks for the heads up.

  7. NewWest.net should be removed from the list. They haven’t published an article on their website since August, 2014. They appear to be defunct.

  8. This is an excellent compilation of websites currently offering writing opportunities in an unbelievable variety of subjects. Having access to this list is definitely a great asset to online writers.
    It makes a huge difference to get a handsome amount of $100 for a single piece of content, rather than getting literally peanuts on various upfront payment and revenue sharing content writing websites that pay their member writers for their online activity.
    However, I bet that, quality of content, a competent writing style, and relevant knowledge and experience on a specific subject are considered as sine qua non requirements for writers to have their content published in those high-paying websites.
    The fact that a large number of those websites have ceased to operate, and new ones have come into the picture, shows that only the most selective of them will survive and flourish in the long run.
    The more difficult it is for a writer’s content to be accepted and published on one of these sites, the higher is the likelihood for that writer to enjoy recurring payments for his/her content, and, why not, make a decent and consistent income out of one of those writing websites.

  9. This is a very comprehensive site that seems to provide all the resources a person starting out [who already knows how to write but not connect with clients.] A very good find.

  10. hey! thank you very much, Jennifer!!!!! from al my heart! you just open my eyes on another types of magazines! now I working for 10 euro per article (interiors and design) and for my poor country it’s very (very-very) cool. Now I’m so motivated to learn eng!

    and want to say that I had found you via Pinterest by keyword «freelance»))

    good luck!

    • Just keep at it James. When it comes to pitching, it’s a numbers game. You might have to send out a lot of pitches before you land a gig. That’s especially true if you’re new and don’t have an established portfolio or network yet.

  11. Fantastic list and awesome roundup of similar posts.

    I’ve my favorite sites that I use to get freelance assignments. Plus, I’ve my clients.
    But it’s always good to discover new resources and places to find more job opportunities.

    Thanks for the share, Jenniferl! 🙂

  12. Thanks a lot for sharing wonderful list. kindly confirm me these websites only pay to USA citizens or other countries citizens too.e.g. (India, Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Srilanka etc)?

  13. As a freelancer, you’re a business owner. No one said succeeding at it is going to be easy. One of the biggest mistakes freelancers make is assuming it should be. You can increase your chances by perfecting your pitches. And you should always look for markets beyond the ones listed here. They’re meant to serve as examples. But they’re far from the only decent blogging markets around. 🙂

  14. Do you know anyone who’s actually got paid on listverse? I’ve read mix results about it and I can’t find anyone who’s actually written for them.

    • Your best bet is to Google some of their authors and get in touch with them (their author links seem to be broken on the site, so you probably won’t find their contact info that way). The issue with sites like this which are featured on a lot of market lists is that they’re going to get a lot of submissions. So they might have a pretty low acceptance rate. Not all editors respond to writers they can’t accept, especially if they receive a high volume of pitches. That could be the basis for some of the complaints I’ve seen where people were upset that they chose to write something on-spec only to not receive a response. I’d touch base with an editor first if at all possible to make sure they’re currently accepting pitches, even if it’s just via a social media account. If you can submit during one of their less-busy times, you might have a better shot.

      At the same time, I really hope people see this list as examples and then go beyond that. The sites that advertise decent pay are going to be bombarded with pitches because they’re the exception rather than the rule. So consider looking for sites that might be competitors of Listverse or other sites on this list and pitch them too, even if they don’t publicly solicit submissions.

  15. Much gratitude for this post on paid guest blogging, but unfortunately can’t seem to find any blogs that fit into niche. I’m interested in literature and fiction but it’s somewhat difficult to find blogs that pay for these kinds of topics. Is there anyone who can give suggestions on certain blogs who pay for this?

    Thanks in advance.

    • If you want to find fiction markets, visit the “Markets” link near the top of this site. There’s a bigger market database with a section on fiction submissions. I also sometimes post calls for submissions for fiction in the Poetry and Prose section of the job board.

    • I hope you manage to find some gigs here. Also be sure to visit the “Markets” link near the top of the site for the writer’s market database. That’s going to be updated over the next few weeks, but you should be able to find other travel markets there in the meantime. 🙂

  16. Hello, I really liked this post and found it helpful. I have tried some of these sites out and other were new to me. Thank you for reaching out with this valuable free information. Best of luck with your writing.

    I mentioned this web page in my blog post:

    Again, thanks for your time!

  17. This is a great resource of information for me. I am a freelance travel writer and found new publications to submit my work too – Excited to kick things off .
    Thanks for the list.

    • Hi Tracy,

      I’m working on the updated list for 2016. If you’d like your site included, I’ll need you to point me to the actual writers’ guidelines page on your website (and it has to mention a pay rate range where $100 fits in somewhere). You can either post that link here if there is one, or you can email it to me from https://allfreelancewriting.com/contact/.

  18. Hey Jennifer,

    This is indeed a great list of opportunities to earn some handsome amount.

    I have registered with YourOnline.biz & AFineParent.com. But it seems the submissions are closed for next few months for the latter. Will try to explore some other sites as per my niche.

    Thank you so much for sharing these. Take care 🙂

  19. Excellent list Jennifer
    You had provided new ways for making huge amount of money to webmasters like me.I am looking forward to submit my articles to these websites
    Well, I want to know that can I create shorter articles for these websites also or they only require articles of more than 1000 words?

  20. hi, Jennifer, I want to know if these websites are interested in legal writings or not ? in other words ant articles related to law

    Thank you too much

  21. I love to write for Listverse. I written more than 3 articles and submitted them to Listverse. But all the 3 articles are not approved. They rejected all articles. So now I will try the above networks and let’s see what happens

  22. I have a keen interest in writing about beauty, lifestyle and health. I live in Pakistan please recommend me a site.

  23. I hardly see the site that pays through check…paypal is not supported in my area.please kindly list few sites that pay through check or bitcoin..i would be glad to get the list from you.thanks for your understanding.

  24. Hi Jenn,
    Thanks a lot for this awesome compilation.
    Hope I’ll be able to make use of some of them.
    Also, a slight update… Scary Mommy no longer pays for submissions according to their website “As of July 22, we are no longer paying for submissions, original or repubs. We know; it sucks, we’re sorry!”

    • Thanks Jacqueline. The entire list is going under review this month, and it’ll be moved to a new interactive system that will let the post list be updated much more frequently. So it will be removed in that review in the next couple of weeks. 🙂

  25. Thanks for sharing this. On sites such freelancer.com customers aren’t willing to anything. Clients are primarily driven by who offers the lowest for writing an article.

  26. All this being said if you’re a fast writer, and you don’t spend a lot of time on each article, maybe you could make minimum wage working on Demand Studio stuff. Which would be cool if you’re working from home and that’s all the money you were looking for. But long-term, other “freelance” writing jobs would be likely to net you a lot more. Blogging is my favorite.

    I’ve done quite a bit of freelance writing, myself–not the website, but jobs you hunt down for yourself in corporate America–and the income can be excellent, but often requires a lot more personal marketing or a good list of personal contacts. And you’ll need to be able to prove you can do the work with a combination of references, education, and samples. You also need to have the good aptitude for customer service, so you can keep your clients happy.

  27. Hey
    Thanks for a great and helpful list. I’ve been blogging for two years but just now trying to get paid for some of my efforts. The list is not just for beginners.

  28. I need a blog that would pay me to write on relationships, dating heartbreak.. Please help now! P.s.. Scary mommy has stopped paying

    • I’m not sure Zaineb. Each site will have its own rules about whom they accept contributions from. Your best bet is to check the writers’ guidelines linked here for each of them. If they don’t say you need to be a resident of a specific location, go ahead and pitch them. 🙂 Also note if they say they only use certain payment methods to make sure those are available in your area.

  29. Many thanks Jennifer for these insights. I hail from Uganda (East Africa) and interested in sites/links that pay for writing reports. I wonder if you can be kind to point out a few as my niche is in report writing albeit with partly stories of change in education.


    • I don’t specialize in reports markets Patrick, so nothing comes to mind unfortunately. I’d pitch businesses rather than publications for things like that. Unless you mean academic reports for students perhaps? If that’s the case, I don’t support those kinds of markets for ethical reasons, so I wouldn’t promote them here.

  30. Thanks for the list. I’ve been searching for the sites where I can earn from writing. It’s a big help. I’m going to try them.

  31. For me, Upwork seems to be the only place to find good reliable clients. I have tried listverse and a few from here but no luck, sadly. As a non-native writer, I can easily show my past reviews to gain new clients through freelance sites though initially its a struggle to find those golden $100 a pop gigs.

    • The reliable clients are generally the ones who find you and the ones you build a real relationship with (an easy thing freelancers sometimes forget about — not saying you necessarily have). They don’t come from freelance sites and job boards. I’d only use job boards for a few initial portfolio pieces or filler gigs if at all possible. There are occasional gems, but the competition for them is much steeper than gigs you find on your own, either through direct pitching or the clients you attract via SEO and PR strategies (thought leadership pieces, white papers, guest posts, etc.).

      Your best option if you’re stuck relying on a freelance site (always risky if clients all, or mostly, come from one place) is to try tweaking your marketing mix a bit.

      For example, you might start with 50% of your marketing effort there on the freelance site and job boards you’re browsing, 25% on building your professional platform (the SEO & PR tactics I mentioned), and 25% on direct pitching (finding ideal clients and sending email pitches or making cold calls — these aren’t companies advertising though).

      Adjust those numbers as you see fit early on, and tweak them every few months until you’re not relying heavily on any single third party source of gigs. $100 for a blog post is a mediocre rate at best. It seems high to a lot of bloggers because the higher-paying gigs aren’t publicly advertised often. It’s simply not how those clients find their writers. They search for them or take referrals from people they trust. The gigs are most definitely out there. But think less in terms of “where” to find them and more in terms of “how” to attract them. That simple change in mindset can make a big difference over time. Give it a try and see how a different promotional mix helps you break into more of those markets you’re looking for. 🙂

  32. Hello! This is really helpful. Is there a site where I can write articles about being a youtuber? I am 16 and I just started a youtube channel and I would like to write articles about my life as a youtuber. Any suggestions?

    • I don’t know of any sites in that particular niche. And depending on where you’re located, you might be too young to enter into freelance contracts without parents also being involved. So make sure you check into that beyond simply looking for markets.

  33. Great list Jennifer!

    I’ve noticed $100 is definitely on the higher end of websites paying for articles. During my research I’ve found most articles around $50/article with around 1,000 words. It’s great that you’ve found the creme of the crop!

    I wonder if these websites are a LOT harder to get accepted over the $50 per article sites? I guess that would make sense. =)

    Thanks for sharing and look forward to trying these!

    • $100 per article is actually a pretty mediocre pay rate. It’s not a pro-level or anything (maybe the low end of it if we’re talking about a short piece). It’s just the higher end of what people advertise publicly for these kinds of web-only pieces. That’s because advertising you pay $500 or more for blog posts attracts far too much attention — from people who aren’t qualified to write about the subject matter or at the level required. It’s overwhelming sometimes to sort through that mess to find who you want to hire, and it can be easier to ask for referrals or simply search for a writer who specializes in what you want. $500+ is not at all uncommon; you just don’t see it advertised much.

      I consider $50 per article a bare bones starter rate for new freelance writers who can write basic content fluently in their client’s target language. I’d say $100 is a step above that certainly, but there’s still a lot of room to grow. And the biggest difference I see between those and the $50 articles is length — it’s not so much that people are paying more because they expect a huge quality difference as it is they want longer content because that’s what marketers keep telling them (usually based on poorly-interpreted studies on things like social media sharing). The biggest money in online content tends to go to ghostwriters who write on behalf of companies and executives who don’t have time to do it themselves. So if you’re looking for gigs, make sure you target those private companies too — not just what you find advertised.

  34. FiberGuide (https://fiberguide.net) pays $100 to $150 for good articles in the telecommunication industry. Articles should be at least 750 words and covering hot topics related to fiber optics, optical networking, wide area networking, data centers, cloud services, IP transit, SD-WAN and other closely related articles. You can contact us through the contact us page.

    • If you’d like to have the site added to this article (by being included in the market directory), please make sure your writer guidelines are posted publicly on your site (including rate info). Then either post the link to that page here or email me using the form on my contact page and I’ll add it for you. It’s free as long as the guidelines are publicly on your site to link to, and there’s a much better chance of people seeing it than in the comments here.

  35. Thank you for putting this list together. I will gladly pay $100 or more for a good post. Would you be so kind to include our site in the list?
    Thank you!

    • I approved the comment here with your site details, but I can’t add it to the market directory (which feeds into the post itself) unless the pay info is publicly in the writers’ guidelines of the website. If you decide to publish that in the future, feel free to let me know here and I’m happy to add it for you.

  36. We are looking for writers for our blog. Topics include digital marketing, video production, everything YouTube, copyright, and more.

    You can find our writing guidelines here: https://www.tunepocket.com/write-for-us/

    Thank you!

  37. I am looking for a few talented writers to help me with my new project, Jesse Hustle. Jesse Hustle is a website in the finance niche.

    If you know anyone who might be interested in writing for us, please have them contact me or share this message with your audience. We are offering $100 per article written.

    Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!

    • If you have public guidelines on your site, you can submit your market at the link below for free. If it’s approved, it’ll appear in this post automatically.



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