Why Become a Query-Free Freelancer?

Let’s kick things off by explaining what I mean when I say “query-free freelancing.” Basically, you attract freelance writing clients without mailing query letters, without sending email queries, and without cold calling just to pitch an idea and “sell yourself” to a potential client (or editor). Is Query-Free Freelancing for Everyone? Absolutely not. There are many types of freelance writers, and there are many approaches

Should You Outsource Your Client Writing?

I received an email this morning from another writer. In short, they were pitching me on their own writing services, asking me to outsource client projects to them. I let them know I don’t do that. Do you? I think it’s a topic worth discussing. The Ethics of Subcontracting First let me be clear: I don’t think there is anything inherently “wrong” with subcontracting client

Upfront Payments: A Buyer's Perspective

Not only am I a freelance writer, but I’m also a client to other freelancers from time to time. Most of my clients are billed up front for my work. As a provider, I get to set the terms I work under and decide if or when to negotiate or make exceptions. Obviously there are benefits to being paid up front. As a client though,

Proving Your Value to Prospective Writing Clients

We’ve discussed the benefits of specialization and how that can lead to higher earnings as a freelance Web writer. However, the real key to earning a decent income freelance writing online is proving your value to your clients. Specialization plays a major role (if you’re offering a certain amount of depth or understanding others can’t, you’re providing more value). Today let’s talk about other things

Should You Hold Onto Print Rights?

Let’s talk specifically about Web content writers today, and the rights they give up when they sell their work. In many cases, when a client purchases Web content from you, their primary objective is to target search terms for traffic or online readers. Most have no use for your content beyond their websites or blogs, leaving potential non-competing reprint markets available as an additional income