Why You Should Diversify Your Writing Income (& 5 Ways to do It)

One of the biggest perks of freelance writing is the stability. Unlike working full-time for a single employer, losing a gig (by choice or otherwise) doesn’t mean you lose all your income at once. That’s because you diversify your writing income when you freelance, splitting your working hours between different projects for different clients. But there are other ways to diversify your income beyond simply

The Problem with Pay Based on Location in Freelance Writing

Every week I curate ads for the freelance writing job board here at All Freelance Writing. That means digging through a lot of garbage to find a few gems. And one type of ad I sometimes see deserves a bit of attention — those with pay based on location. What do I mean exactly? These are the ads that either outright say your pay as

Reader Question: Will Being a Weekend Warrior Turn Off Freelance Writing Clients?

If you’re still toying with the idea of starting a freelance writing career, but you can’t work normal business hours, this one’s for you. Christian Simmons wanted to start freelancing, but with only weekends free for freelance writing work, they had concerns. Here’s Christian’s situation: How can I have a freelance writing business when the weekends are all I’ve got to write and see clients?

Reader Question: How to Estimate Project Time When Quoting Freelance Writing Jobs

A lot of time has been spent on this blog talking about the basics of setting your freelance writing rates — figuring out how much you need to earn, figuring out how much that means you need to charge per hour, converting those hourly rate goals into project rates, etc. But what happens if you’re still new to freelancing and you have no idea how

How I Prevented a Chronic Health Condition From Ruining My Writing Career

Frequent migraines. Feeling weak and ice cold most of the time. Severe insomnia. Significant, and sudden, weight gain. Constant pain. Multiple miscarriages, and the emotional baggage that comes with each one. Ongoing exhaustion so bad I could barely drag myself out of bed for months. That was just a small sampling of my own personal hell for a few years. These health issues had the

Why You’ll Fail at Freelancing if You Suck at Math

This post was originally published on Yolander Prinzel’s blog in 2014. It was relocated to All Freelance Writing when that blog was shut down.  When you decided to become a freelance writer, you probably didn’t think those old math classes would come in handy. It turns out they will. I hope you paid attention. Not understanding basic math can cost you dearly, whether it happens

How Can Writers Protect Personal Information Online?

Anonymity online is a hotly debated issue. Is it “wrong” to post anything anonymously because it means you aren’t taking responsibility for your words? Or is it an acceptable way of communicating online? And when you work as a writer, is there anything you can do to protect your personal information, whether you choose to write anonymously or not? This is an issue where I

24 Hours to a More Successful Freelance Writing Career

Freelance writing is largely about the big picture. As you gain experience and build your professional reputation and visibility over time, you earn more money and freelancing becomes a more stable income source. That said, the big picture doesn’t motivate everybody. Sometimes you need to see changes now to convince yourself to even stick with this freelancing thing. If that sounds like you, you’re in

Quick Tip: Pursue International Freelance Writing Clients

I can’t remember where I read it now — maybe on a blog, maybe on Reddit. But a few days ago I saw someone complaining about international freelancers. In this case they were talking about freelance development work and all of the competition they faced from overseas. This is something I see all the time. But then the conversation flipped. People weren’t only complaining about

4 Tips for Dealing With Client Call Anxiety as a Freelancer

Note: This post is my first audio post. You can listen to the audio version at the end of the post. In the near future, you’ll be able to access this and other audio posts, along with the All Freelance Writing Podcast, by visiting FreelanceTheater.com. Lately I’ve been chatting with KeriLynn Engel about her freelance writing business, and the issue of anxiety came up — specifically

Your USP: Stand Out From the Freelance Writing Crowd

If you want to move beyond low paying freelance writing jobs, you need a solid marketing strategy. Where many writers go wrong is putting all of their attention on marketing tactics — using social networks, guest posting, or writing query letters for example. While tactics are important, you can never use them to their full potential if you don’t have an underlying strategy and marketing message. That’s

Quick Tip: Treat Your Freelance Writing Client’s Business Like it’s Your Own

In a comment on a recent post about successful e-book sales also leading to thousands of dollars in freelance writing gigs, I responded to a comment from Amandah Blackwell. And in my response, I basically said that freelancers should treat their own projects as they would treat a client’s project, and that they should treat clients’ projects as if they were their own. Today I’d

Quick Tip: Look Beyond Local for Better Freelance Writing Gigs

Where are most of your freelance writing clients located? If you only target local clients, you’re leaving money on the table. While some freelancers can attract more local clients than they can handle, others don’t have the same client supply in their local areas. Fortunately there’s an easy fix. Target clients outside of your town, city, state, region, or even country. Why Pursue Non-local Freelance Writing

105 Ways to Make a Living Writing

Is your goal to finally make a living writing? Whether you’re ready to quit your day job to earn a living as a writer full-time or you’re looking to increase your existing writing income, the opportunities are practically endless. If you aren’t sure where to start, or if you’re worried that there aren’t enough potential writing gigs to go around, consider this. Just about everything

"Get a Real Job" and Other Freelance Buzz Kills

Ah, the joys of working as a freelance writer. You get to work from home, spend the day in your pajamas, have no boss looking over your shoulder, watch soaps in the middle of the afternoon, run errands whenever you feel like it, and to top it off everybody respects you. Yeah. And then you wake up. It’s funny how non-freelancers have these idealistic views

Copyright Concerns When Crossing the Client-Employer Line

In the past we’ve explored some of the problems with letting clients cross a line by treating you more like an employee than an independent contractor. For example, if they cross that line and are held accountable they could end up paying back taxes and benefits. That can be a good reason to pursue issues when clients are really employers trying to scam the system

Should Writers be Responsible for a Client’s Bad Business Decisions?

It’s common for clients to overstep when hiring freelance writers these days. Writers are expected to wear multiple hats, and clients are rarely willing to pay more for these added services. The Northeast Ohio Media Group’s “zero-tolerance policy” on typos is an insane example; writers are expected to have their spouses edit their work after copyeditors were dismissed. Blog owners are an even more common example, expecting

Freelancers and LLCs: Not as Much Protection as You Think

You’ve probably heard this advice before: to protect yourself professionally, you should set up your freelance writing business as a limited liability company (LLC). The basic idea is that an LLC will protect your personal assets if claims were to arise against your business. But registering your freelance business as an LLC might do little more than give you a false sense of security. This

The "Global Writers Market" (and Why it Doesn’t Exist)

When I launched this blog in 2006 (under the name SixFigureWriters.com at the time), one of the biggest issues being discussed by new freelance writers was the “global writers’ market.” Writers in English-speaking countries would routinely blame this supposed global market for the fact that they couldn’t find decent-paying freelance writing jobs. They blamed non-native English speakers in countries with lower costs of living, as

Repeat Clients: The Key to a Successful Ghostwriting Business

Repeat business is, in my opinion, the secret to a successful ghostwriting career. There are two reasons for this: 1. When you’re ghostwriting, you may find that you get fewer referrals since most clients don’t tell other professionals that they used your services. 2. With lengthier projects, you may not be able to take on as many clients at one time, meaning you have fewer

Why Clients Come Back After Going the Cheap Route

One of the biggest complaints I hear from new freelance writers is that clients don’t seem willing to pay professional rates. Prospects are tempted by bottom-of-the-barrel offers from hobbyists, scrapers, and people who do little more than regurgitate other people’s articles. The prospect gets more content for their site for less money. The “writer” gets paid. And professionals get screwed in the deal. Let’s emphasize

Client Relationship Reminders for Freelance Writers

Your freelance writing business involves more than research, writing, and editing. There’s the whole “business” side of the equation too. And an important part of running the business behind your freelance writing is managing client relationships. Let’s explore a few things you should keep in mind as a freelance writer when it comes to building and maintaining relationships with clients and prospects. The Client Isn’t

5 Reasons Your Writing Career is Going Nowhere

Do you ever feel like your freelance writing career is going nowhere fast? Do you try to take things up a notch, but they never seem to improve, or at least not by much? You might be making one of these common mistakes that freelance writers mistake. Here are five reasons why your writing career might be going absolutely nowhere: 1. You’re not improving your

Freelancing: It's Not Enough to Love the Writing

If you’re anything like me, you love to write. If you didn’t, you probably wouldn’t have chosen a career in freelance writing. But it’s not enough to love the writing. You also have to love the work. No freelance writing business will succeed on writing alone. You have to network, market your services, maintain a website or portfolio, and handle basic administrative and financial tasks on a

When to Seek New Freelance Writing Opportunities

It can be easy to get comfortable in a routine as a freelance writer. And sometimes that means we don’t continue to market our services as much as we should — something we should do even when our schedules are full. So today let’s look at some signs that you should seek out new freelance writing opportunities. Some are signs that you’ve waited too long

Can You Find Freelance Writing Success Without Selling Out?

There are many types of freelance writing success, and only you can determine what exactly that means for you. But no matter what your definition of success is, there are plenty of ways to get there. And it’s important to know that you don’t have sell out to make that happen. What Does it Mean for a Freelance Writer to Sell Out? Selling out is

Should Freelance Writers Work Overtime?

Do you ever put in long hours, working overtime? Are you strictly against working overtime as a freelance writer? There are good cases both for and against these late nights, working weekends, or whatever kind of overtime schedule you might have. Today I’d like to share a few thoughts on when I work overtime, when I think it’s smart to work extra hours, and why I think

3 Basic Business Skills All Freelancers Need

Successful freelancing involves more than having the ability to write (or design, code, or whatever service you offer). Freelancers also need some basic business skills to manage and grow a freelance business. These are the skills that allow you to attract clients, manage finances, and make appropriate plans for the future. Let’s look at three basic business skills all freelancers should have, and resources that

Why I Gave up a $37k Blogging Gig Over Professional Ethics

What do you value more as a freelance writer — money or your reputation and professional ethics? For me, it’s the latter without a doubt. It’s not uncommon for me to turn down new prospects for ethical reasons. There are some niches I won’t touch. And there are clients with histories I wouldn’t want to associate myself with. They include anything from sponsorships from content

Getting Insurance for Your Writing Business

I met with a local State Farm agent recently about getting errors & omissions coverage for my freelance writing, blogging, and publishing services. I received notice this morning that they won’t cover my business. The reason? They said their policies don’t cover: Freelance Writers Bloggers Publishers Web content developers Website managers / owners Um… okay? We’re talking about a kind of insurance that’s not exactly