Is Grammarly a Good Tool for Professional Writers?

Grammarly Review

2024 Update: As of June 2024, I cannot in good faith recommend Grammarly's service to any All Freelance Writing readers. This is a combination of the company's past unethical and exploitational behavior regarding their affiliate relationships as well as my recent re-exploration of their services through a school-provided premium account while pursuing a Master's program. Please disregard the outdated information below. It will temporarily remain published here until an updated review post is published in its place.

Not long ago I published a review of AutoCrit, a self-editing tool designed for authors of fiction. I also found it helpful for nonfiction work such as blog posts. Shortly after reviewing AutoCrit, I was contacted by a rep for Grammarly, another online editing tool for writers which serves as both a spelling and grammar checker.

The kind folks at Grammarly set up a test account for me so I could play with things and share my thoughts with you.


It was interesting to see how different the two tools were. I already let you know what I think of AutoCrit. So today let's dig into Grammarly by looking at some of the tool's best features and also some of the (mostly minor) problems I came across while testing it.

Highlights of Grammarly

Here are some key features and positive points of using Grammarly.

1. Grammarly's Web App

This is the online version of Grammarly, where you can either upload or paste text you want to check. It has a simple, clean interface once you're in there. And the interface is fairly straightforward. You can see what it looks like in the screenshot below:

Grammarly Web App

This was the primary version of Grammarly I tested before reviewing the service. That's because I do most of my writing in Scrivener, and therefore had to copy / paste my work in order to use Grammarly's tools.

2. Google Chrome Extension

If you use Google Chrome and you tend to write directly in your browser, you might enjoy Grammarly's Chrome extension. It works on social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as in Gmail.

They mention on their site that it works on WordPress too, but I didn't find that to be the case. On this site, for example, it only shows up if you write a blog comment. It doesn't do anything when viewing the post edit screen in your admin area, nor does it show up when posting to the public forum.

Despite that, it can come in handy in the places where we tend to write the quickest. That alone makes the extension a worthwhile tool if you want to avoid sloppy mistakes.

Update: After writing the review I discovered that Grammarly does work with WordPress if I'm using the text / HTML editor rather than the visual editor. This might be a broader issue with the two tools working together, or it's possible that a plugin or theme is the issue -- more likely a plugin as I saw the same behavior on a couple of different sites.

The only issue I had with the extension when writing blog comments was that sometimes I would be finished and ready to submit a comment before the Grammarly icon would finish spinning to give me results. So it might not be for the impatient. Still, this is a nice feature.

3. Microsoft Word Add-in

Grammarly has a downloadable add-in for Microsoft Word. If you write in Word (from Word 2007 on), this might be a good option for you. Admittedly, I didn't test this feature, so it's not relevant to my overall review. But it's worth mentioning.

As I mentioned previously I work mostly in Scrivener, so this wasn't helpful for me. Also, while we have an extra license for the current version of Office, I've refused to update from my old 2003 version (which works perfectly by the way). I can't stand Microsoft's newer "ribbon" design, which takes up far too much screen real estate on a laptop. So I keep their older version and a copy of Open Office on my laptop for opening client files, but I almost never use Word for my writing.

Instead, my tests of Grammarly involved pasting a client post from Scrivener to their online app.

4. Flexible Pricing Options

One of the issues I had with AutoCrit is the fact that you're locked into one of their yearly pricing plans. They didn't offer monthly options. And given that they targeted authors of fiction, that was strange to me. After all, authors often have heavy editing periods where the tool would be handy, but also heavy writing periods where they might not edit at all. So, basically, you could end up paying for the app when you're not even using it.

That's not a concern with Grammarly. While they do have a yearly option (at $139.95 per year), they also offer monthly and quarterly payment options for their premium version (at $29.95 per month and $59.95 per quarter respectively).

Grammarly also offers a free version which is great if you want to get a feel for the web app and Chrome extension before buying. Here's a breakdown of the differences between the free and premium versions from their website:

Grammarly Free vs Premium

Grammarly Problems & Suggestions for Improvement

Whenever I publish a review here, I make it a point to share not only some of the better features, but also any issues I had or suggestions I might have for improvement. Here's what I didn't love in this case.

1. Problem: Grammarly Doesn't Always Improve Your Writing

One of the things I love about AutoCrit is the fact that I feel most of its suggestions improve my writing. I didn't feel that way as often with Grammarly. Some recommended changes felt strange or diminished the impact of copy. Others simply didn't improve things in a way that made for better reading.

There's a good example right in their demo document. Here's the original selection:

"After I did some research, I knew that I would need some expert advice."

The recommended change for this sentence is:

"After I had done some research, I knew that I would need some expert advice."

This sentence could have been improved, and that's something I expect from a tool like this. For example, and maybe this is just me, I would have preferred to see something like this:

"After I researched car models, I knew I would need expert advice."

Or even:

"After I conducted research, I knew I needed expert advice."

The "that" and "some" were unnecessary. Even if they thought past perfect was the best choice, "had researched" seems to be a more logical option than "had done some research." In the example document, however, the tense seems to change quite a bit. So who knows what they were going for?

2. Suggestion: Make the New Document Button Less Confusing

After logging into my Grammarly account for the first time, I was greeted by this screen:

New Document Button for Grammarly Web App


Do you see that block that says "New" and has a document icon? Well, the lower portion of that button area says "Upload." It's designed to look like a single button. That was incredibly confusing the first time I saw it, because all I wanted to do was paste something from Scrivener into Grammarly's web app.

Apparently they're two separate buttons butting up against each other. You can click the "upload" button to upload a document, or you can click the "new" button to paste text in. It seems like a silly design choice, and one that can be easily remedied.

Don't get me wrong. Once you know how they've set it up, it's not a big deal. But it's unnecessarily confusing for new users. And given how straightforward the web app's interface is once you're in there, I think getting there should be just as intuitive.

3. Suggestion: Stop Redirecting Logged-In Users

This is a minor issue, but was a little bit frustrating. When you log into your Grammarly account, it seems you can no longer visit the website's home page. Any time you try to visit, you're bounced to their app instead.

For most people that might not be a problem. But when I was trying to look up features and everything on the site while testing it out, it was hardly convenient. It's also a little bit confusing, and a pretty basic usability issue.

My suggestion is to stop the automatic redirect. There's no reason people can't bookmark as easily as the home page URL. And the home page's "Log in" link could simply change to a "My App" link or something similar after a user logs in. That would be more in line with typically expected behavior on a website, and it wouldn't risk confusing or frustrating users when they want to access the base site for some reason.

4. Problem: The Google Chrome Extension Prompt Won't Go Away

Yes, I know.

I know, I know, I know.

This is another minor complaint. But it's an annoyance.

Any time I log into the Grammarly app, I see the below prompt which is rather large and right at the top of the page (click the image to see its actual size).

Grammarly Chrome Extension Prompt

The problem? I'm viewing Grammarly in Chrome, and I've already installed the extension. It's even active. So there's no reason to keep prompting me to install it.

A big deal? No. But I dislike anything taking up unnecessary screen real estate, and I could see it getting confusing for someone newer to the tool or to Chrome. It would be great if this automatically went away if the extension was active rather than having to be manually dismissed.

The Verdict

So, I have to be honest here. Grammarly was not for me. That, however, doesn't mean I wouldn't recommend it to any other professional writers.

Having things split between multiple versions of the tool wasn't ideal for me, especially with me writing most things in Scrivener anyway. But if your writing is split between the web, Word, and other software where you might want to paste things into their online app, you might find those options convenient.

Also, I'm a fast typist. When writing something unique I tend to write at a pace of around 80 words per minute (my typical typing speed -- tested when you type predetermined text -- is routinely 100-120 words per minute). In other words, my writing speed is double the average typing speed of around 40 words per minute.

I know quite a few fellow writers who are equally fast typists, so this isn't special. But it is an issue with Grammarly's browser extension. The only time it would really come in handy for me is with blog commenting. And because I can type most comments extremely fast, the tool sometimes couldn't keep up.

I was left waiting and watching the little icon spin for a while before I could review the suggestions for my comment. For me, it was quicker to proofread things on my own and move on. Waiting around negates any benefit of being able to write quickly so I can get back to other things.

If you don't type as quickly, the browser extension might be wonderful for you in similar situations. But if you do write at similar speeds, it might not be a big help for shorter writing samples. (And I don't recommend writing longer work in your browser where it can be easier to lose things.)

All of that said, Grammarly won't hurt as an additional check on your work. And I can see it being a valuable tool for writers who are just getting started, writers who tend to rush through social media updates or blog comments, or writers who don't speak English as their first language.

This is the kind of tool that I can't recommend in a blanket way, but I do think it's something you should try for yourself. See if it offers the kind of feedback you personally need. If it does, that's great. If it doesn't, there are plenty of other tools you can try.

While this isn't a tool that I'll switch to for use on a regular basis, I do think it will be a great fit for many members of the All Freelance Writing community. So don't take my personal preferences as an overall condemnation of any kind.

At the very least, consider creating a free account to take Grammarly for a test drive.

This post was updated on December 2, 2015 to remove affiliate links and references to the Grammarly affiliate program. This is a result of my choosing to end my affiliate relationship with Grammarly due to the poor management of their affiliate program and poor behavior from a member of their staff. I know many All Freelance Writing readers run their own writing-related blogs and use affiliate programs to monetize them. If you're looking for affiliate programs to promote, I highly recommend against this one. My views on their affiliate program management in no way change my general review of their service.

Profile image for Jennifer Mattern

Jennifer Mattern is a professional blogger, freelance business writer, consultant, and indie author. She runs numerous websites & blogs including All Freelance Writing, Freelance Writing Pros, NakedPR, and Kiss My Biz.

Jenn has over 25 years' experience as a professional writer and editor and over 20 years' experience in marketing and PR (working heavily in digital PR, online marketing, social media, SEO, new media, and thought leadership publication). She also has 20 years' professional blogging and web publishing experience (including web development) and 19 years of experience as an indie author / publisher.

Jenn also writes fiction under multiple pen names and is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association.

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19 thoughts on “Is Grammarly a Good Tool for Professional Writers?”

  1. I came to a similar conclusion when I tested Grammarly. It didn’t do much for my writing, though I liked the Chrome extension for checking blog comments. However, I eventually had to disable it, because it appeared to be interfering with some LinkedIn share buttons, which I was using a lot.

  2. Nice to know I wasn’t the only one with the same experience. I only tried a Word Doc, not blogging or blog comments. I can’t remember exactly why I felt frustrated, but your piece reminded me of the delays and suggestions that didn’t suit my writing voice.

    Thanks for all the great writing blogs!!

  3. I too am not a fan of the constant prompt for something I’ve already installed/subscribed to. In fact, WordPress tends to be like that on my blog. I’ve followed WordPress on Twitter, yet I keep getting prompted to follow. Again and again and….

    I agree with you on Grammarly’s suggested changes. Past perfect, as your case illustrates, isn’t always the best option. I prefer a more active voice, so I think I’d tire of that if it happened frequently.

    One question: does the app prompt you as you’re writing? I would hope not.

    • Do you mean on your main dashboard? You can hide the WordPress stuff so you don’t have to see it at all. 🙂 Just go to your dashboard and click the “Screen Options” dropdown (near the top right of the screen, under the “Howdy…” message.

      I’m not someone who believes that everything should always be in active voice. I see that advice a lot, and find it silly. There’s a reason we have different ways to express things. But it did seem strange that the tool didn’t even bring it to my attention so I could use more active voice where appropriate. Or, more importantly, it would have been nice to see a warning about the voice changing so much in that demo document. Maybe it’s something they’ll improve in the future.

  4. Hi Jennifer,

    I hadn’t heard of AutoCrit, so I might give it a go.
    I’ve been using Grammarly’s paid version for a while, and I’m quite happy with it.
    It helps with that second pair of eyes thing we sometimes need, and it does catch a lot of typos and other mistakes that stem from typing too fast. That said, it’s not a 100%, and you do need to take their suggestions cautiously. I don’t suggest if for beginner writers or writers who aren’t fully confident with their Grammar and other language skills for example as they might not be able to catch the wrong suggestions.
    But it has definitely made my editing faster, so I’m happy about that.

    • I think that’s what bothered me most about Grammarly actually. Those beginners are exactly who they market to (such as students, who rely on it to help them grow, learn, and hopefully earn better grades). Yet beginners are the ones who would be most likely to miss the mistakes.

      • You are right. But I teach ESL, and I tell my students to use even Word’s spellchecker carefully. It can make some weird suggestions.
        And I use Final Draft for screenwriting, and it marks swear words as mistakes so I need to teach those to the software. 🙂 Outside tools can be weird.

  5. Do you think that these programs will take the place of editors? I was hoping to adding editing services to my freelancing, but if bloggers and indie’s think this is all they needs, maybe I should rethink my plan.

    • Grammarly is nowhere near capable of replacing an editor. This, and similar tools, are for the self-revision process every author should go through before sending work to a pro. I wouldn’t worry about them cutting into the freelance editing market. 🙂

    • As far as I know, there isn’t a WordPress plugin. You shouldn’t need one though. Use the browser extension and it works on whatever site you’re working with, including your WordPress installations. 🙂

  6. I find Grammarly to be, well, annoying. It’s just an OK tool that may be one step ahead of spelling and grammar check tools found in word processing programs. As a writer and editor, I’d never depend entirely on Grammarly.

  7. I had an error with two sets of quotations marks. I removed them to see if that would fix the problem. I found that after removing the quotations mark is that sentence I removed the quotations from, two sentences before the sentences with the removed quotations, and the sentence right after the sentences with the removed quotation marks were now not correct. How does removing two set of quotations marks make four sentence now have errors?


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