Writers’ Markets

This is a directory of paying freelance writer's markets. You can browse the writer's markets by category below or search if you're looking for something specific. All markets included in this directory are paying markets. Payment details are included in summaries where possible.

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AARP The Magazine

AARP The Magazine claims to be the "world's largest circulation magazine." Catering to the over-50 crowd, the magazine accepts freelance submissions in the following categories: finance, health, food, travel, consumerism, general interest, and relationships. Rate of pay is not currently included in their published writers' guidelines.


Abilities is a Canadian cross-disability lifestyle magazine covering travel, health, careers, education, relationships, parent, social policy, and more. Honoraria range from $50-325 for professional submissions.

Abyss & Apex

Abyss & Apex is a magazine specializing in speculative fiction. They accept submissions quarterly -- normal reading periods are in February, May, August, and November. They accept flash fiction (up to 1250 words) and short stories (up to 10,000 words). The publication pays $.08 per word for up to 1000 words and an $80 flat payment for longer works. Payment is 60 days after publication. The magazine also accepts poetry.

Adirondack Life

Adirondack Life is a regional magazine serving readers in areas surrounding the Adirondack Mountains. Departments run from 1000-1800 words and features are 1500-2500 words. The best way for new contributors to break into the publication is via departments.

Adoptive Families

Adoptive Families is a digital publication for adoptive families and potential adoptive parents. Topics cover adoption, infertility, parenting, education, special needs adoption, LGBTQ adoption, single parent adoption, and much more. Pay rates aren't disclosed, but they are a paying market.

Adventure Cycling

The Adventure Cycling blog accepts submissions of how-to articles, trip reports, bike overnights, and "inspiring, historical, or amusing stories" related to bicycle travel. Pay is $150-250 per article, with first-time writers paid on the lower end and repeat writers paid on the higher end.


AGNI accepts stories, essays, and poems that are previously-unpublished. There are no word limits "though space is at a premium and length sometimes affects decisions." They do not publish romance, horror, mystery, or science fiction but are open to fiction borrowing elements of them. They don't publish academic essays or purely journalistic pieces, and they pay $30 per printed page for accepted prose and $50 per page for accepted poetry, up to a maximum of $300. Submissions are considered for both print and online publication. Free submissions may be made via mail.

Air & Space (Smithsonian)

The Smithsonian's Air & Space Magazine is a paying market that accepts freelance proposals for both print and online articles. Note there are two separate submissions forms on the site -- one for magazine submissions and one for digital submissions. The included link is for the print magazine.

Alaska Parent

Alaska Parent magazine accepts freelance submissions covering parenting topics such as education, pregnancy and babies, holidays, nutrition, special needs, family travel, and more. They accept both original content and reprints. Pay is generally $40-200 for original articles and $25-40 for reprints. They accept feature stories of 800-1200 words, short features of 500-800 words, and tips articles of 150-600 words.

American Educator

American Educator is a professional journal published by the American Federation of Teachers. It covers "research and ideas from early childhood through higher education," such as essays explaining the significance of a research project and its findings. International affairs and labor issues of interest to AFT members may also be accepted. Articles run 1000-5000 words.

More About the Writers' Markets

All freelance writers' markets listed here include a link to writer's guidelines offered on the publication's website. All Freelance Writing does not currently accept writers' markets without this information published. This is to protect the freelance writers using the directory, ensuring that they're accessing the latest publicly advertised rates and writer's guidelines released by the hiring publications.

If you run or are associated with a paying writers' market, and you'd like it to be considered for the directory, please use the market submission form.