Getting Started in Magazine Writing With Linda Formichelli

This week our “Getting Started” series post is a bit later than usual due to the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in the U.S. We’re kicking things off with a bang though, as we welcome Linda Formichelli! Linda will talk about getting started as a freelance magazine writer. It’s a topic we don’t touch on very often here at All Freelance Writing since my own career is

How to Write Feature Articles

One of the most lucrative projects for freelance writers is writing feature articles. Of course, this is not always true. There are some clients that don’t pay as much as the industry average; this is to be expected. But overall, I have found that writing feature articles is a great way to increase income while having a great time along the way. For the sake

Testing Traditional Marketplaces to Help You Find the Next Step in Your Career

As many of you know, I got my start in online freelance writing with residual sites, content mills and cheap SEO content. The lowest I was ever paid was .01 per word—and I thought that was perfectly fine. The blogs I frequented at the time gave me no inkling that there was a bigger, better world out there for someone without a degree, no formal

How to Budget a Freelance Writer's Fluctuating Income

I know what you’re thinking, Ugh. Budgeting. The only thing worse than budgeting is licking sandpaper. As boring as it feels, budgeting is especially critical for you as a freelance writer, because your income is less predictable. Creating a budget takes just three steps: totaling your monthly income, subtracting your expenses, and adjusting your budget based on the result. You’ll create your budget using the

Getting Started in Writing for Trades With Christa Miller

In this week’s installment of our “Getting Started” series, we’ll hear from Christa Miller on what it’s like to start writing for trade publications. One of my own favorite projects is ghostwriting client features for trades. Interested in breaking into the style, either ghosting or by-lined? Christa offers some tips help you get there. Here’s what she had to say: On How She Started Writing

Raising Freelance Writing Rates – Demand Isn't Enough

How would you feel about having your freelance writing schedule booked weeks or months in advance? Do you wish you had the luxury to be more selective in the freelance writing jobs you take on, able to turn down anything that doesn’t appeal to you?  Plenty of freelancers are already in that boat, myself included. It’s a great place to be, but a reader brought

There Are No Family Sick Days for Freelancing Moms

If you ask a mother who has transitioned to working at home what she misses the most, you’ll get a variety of responses, but a similar theme throughout would be the lack of freedom that she enjoyed working in an office — ironic to the those desperate to leave the office, but very real indeed to the women who have made a private sacrifice to

How to Write Sales Letters

For many, writing sales letters is more than just another project – it is a lot of fun. There are many types of freelance writing jobs, but over the years I have enjoyed sales articles the most. There is something about writing compelling copy that is meant to “draw in” the reader that gets my blood flowing. Of course, writing a successful sales letter is

Getting Started in Screenwriting with Xandy Sussan

Today in our “Getting Started” series, screenwriter / television writer Xandy Sussan stops by to talk to us about screenwriting. Whether you’re looking for a way to freelance in fiction or you simply want to pursue a screenplay or teleplay as a creative side project, there are some things you should know before jumping in. Here’s what Sussan had to say: On How She Started

How to Lose a $7,000 Freelance Writing Gig Without Even Trying

I thought I’d kick off my new series here on All Freelance Writing with an awesome story about something that happened to me this week. I started my week by losing a $7,000 finance course writing gig. Yay me! Why am I happy? Well, because I have to be or otherwise it would mean I did something wrong. Okay, kidding. I’m happy because, from the

10 Costly Money Mistakes Freelancers Should Avoid

As a freelancer, you have to treat money a lot differently than if you were employed by a huge corporation or even a small business. Your paychecks aren’t guaranteed. No one is withholding income taxes on your behalf. You have to be much more conscious of how you’re spending the money you make and avoid costly financial mistakes than can put a halt to your

Getting Started in Copywriting With Angela Booth

Today in our “Getting Started” series, copywriter Angela Booth will be our guest. She’ll share a bit about her own history on how she got started in copywriting and offer some advice and tips for aspiring copywriters. Do you have what it takes? Here’s what Angela had to say: On How She Started in Copywriting… “By accident. In the early 1980s I was writing romance

Carving Out a Real WAHM Work Space

Every freelancer needs a real work space –a place to tackle your projects and assignments without wrestling with your child’s latest play dough creations and free from the risk of any crayon incidents on important contracts. It can be a trick to find the ideal space for a work-at-home mom or any other freelancer as many of us don’t have the luxury of our own

How to Write SEO Articles

The internet has helped more people than ever before break into the freelance writing industry. One of the most common “online based” projects is SEO articles. These projects are also known as search engine optimized articles and keyword articles. No matter what the client calls them, the basics stay the same. How to Write SEO Articles Here are three tips for effectively writing SEO articles:

Organize Your Office on the Cheap with These DIY Cork Board Projects

Before I was a freelance writer, I was a branch manager at a corporation. Whenever I needed something for the office, I found it in a catalog, placed an order, and welcomed the FedEx guy a few days later. Now that I’m in charge of my own office, though, those catalog prices begin to look exorbitantly expensive. Why pay over $100 for a large white