How to Make Better Decisions About Your Freelance Writing Career

When it comes to running a successful business of any kind, including freelance writing, much of that success comes down to the decisions you make. You make good decisions that help you grow. You make bad decisions that hold you back. Or you might make decisions solely to maintain the status quo. Today let’s talk about making better business decisions when it comes to your

Network your way to your Next Job

Many freelance writers get into the rut of doing nothing more than sending query letters in hopes of obtaining new clients. While there is nothing wrong with this, at some point you need to leave your office and get into the “real world.” Over the past few months I have spent a lot of time networking with other professionals in person and over the phone.

Signs You’re Working Yourself Too Hard

Anyone who properly cares for children works hard. It’s a world of sacrifices and rewards, but there’s very few mothers who don’t sleep well once the angels are tucked into bed. I’ve never lain around wishing I’d been busier on a particular day. But there does come a time when you realize that having a freelance career, and in my case a daytime career, on

How to Save Up for Short-Term Goals

My daughter’s 3rd birthday is in March and I want to have one of those financially-irresponsible birthday parties that suburban housewife moms throw for their kids. And since I don’t have one of those executive six-figure-salary husbands to sponsor the party, I’m saving up for it. I started saving up for Christmas back in August. I save up for taxes and every other big expense

How To Be Original In A Blogosphere Polluted With Regurgitations

“What does original mean?” my inquisitive, 3-year-old asked me. I had just told her that I wanted to video one of her original dances, instead of a fourth installment of Yankee Doodle. “It means you make something up,” I told her. That’s my layman’s definition of the word. In the blog world, have you ever noticed that you can read the same thing hundreds of

The Six Biggies in Writing

There are six key strategies I teach students as they improve their basic writing skills. As a writer, it’s interesting to me how well these six elements still translate to improving my work at a professional level. When you’re paying attention to these areas of your work, you’ll start to see ways to tweak your work to make it more readable. Learning more about how

Freelancers: How to Replicate the Water Cooler Experience

Today’s post was inspired by a reader suggestion on Twitter. We’ll talk about how you can replicate the social “water cooler” experience with colleagues in a freelance setting, when you’re not all together working in the same office. The timing is perfect too. I just met fellow freelancer, Lori Widmer, for lunch last week. And yesterday morning I finished drafting the chapter in The Query-Free

Should I Follow-up a Query with a Phone Call?

Landing gigs by sending query letters is nothing new. Thousands of freelance writers send these letters to editors on a daily basis. With so much competition, it is essential that you do something to set yourself apart. Just recently, I decide to follow-up on a few queries with a quick phone call. While this takes a lot of guts, it is something that has paid

The Evolution of You

As you grow in your freelance writing career, you will evolve. You’ll evolve as an individual, as a writer, and as a business owner. As this evolution takes place, you will notice that the things you once found satisfying don’t satisfy anymore. At first, this will feel weird and uncomfortable; it may involve outgrowing friends, peers and clients. It may mean that blogs you once

Setting 2011 Goals and Resolutions

We talked a lot about goals for your freelance writing career this week. And as promised I’m going to share my yearly list. Below you can find my preliminary list of goals and New Year’s resolutions for my business (freelancing as well as my own sites and projects). I may add to the list between now and the end of this year, and I might

The WAHM Survival Guide to the Holidays – Thanksgiving

It’s that special time of year again! Orders are up slightly, time is decreasing dramatically and best of all – the kids are home! Having the kids home is both a blessing and a curse. The days are great fun filled with ornament making and breaking and dessert-face-stuffing, and the nights are filled with work to make up for the lack of time during the

Don't Meet Every Goal You Set? That's OK!

Recently I posted an evaluation of 2010 professional goals here, including which goals I’ve met, which I haven’t, and those that I might still reach by the end of the year. I always set a lot of goals for myself, and I mentioned in the discussion surrounding that post that I do so for a reason — I know I’ll fail at some. And that’s

2010 Goals and Resolutions: A Follow-up

We’re going to talk about goals this week. First, I want to take a look back on the goals we set for ourselves for 2010. In later posts we’ll discuss failure and why it’s sometimes okay, and then we’ll close out the week talking about how today’s reflections can help us set new goals for the coming year. Why look back on this year’s goals

Nothing Says "Pay Me" Like an Invoice

Getting paid to write isn’t always seamless. While you may have some clients who pay you automatically, most of them probably need to be told what to pay, how much to pay, and how to pay. No problem. There are all types of clients and you need to be prepared for all of them. An invoice is basically a bill for the work that you’ve

Getting Your Foot In The Door With Fillers

Breaking into the magazine market isn’t easy. That said, there are a few tricks you can use to slide on in without doing a full-length feature. One of the things you can do is send fillers. A filler is basically what most people would call a blurb–a bit of information that readers will find interesting or educational. Many magazines have them, and those that do

Slang and Other Nonsense in the English Language

There was a request in the comments of a previous post about understanding and using more idioms in the English language. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to dig into some of the slang and other odious expressions we bandy about – you know, the crap we say – or the words we speak that really don’t make much sense. A quick warning – if

How to Fill a Hole in Your Schedule (the Query-Free Freelancer Way)

You have a fairly packed freelance writing schedule. You have client orders lined up for the next several weeks, and things look good. But then something happens. A project is cancelled. A client suddenly becomes non-responsive. You get a request to postpone something. Whatever the reason, you suddenly find yourself with a hole in your schedule — one that needs to be filled now at

Three Ways to Increase your Query Letter Response Rate

It is one thing to send a query letter. It is another entirely to receive an answer – good or bad. Remember this: just because you send a query does not mean the editor has to respond to you. Here are three things you can do to increase your query letter response rate: 1. Address your letter to the right person. This is the number