How to Create a Marketing Plan and Marketing Campaign

Angela Booth had a great post recently that you should check out: Sell Your Writing: Create a Marketing Campaign. She tackles marketing in a way I really love, because I think it addresses the fears many freelance writers have about the actual act of selling their writing services. She offers a reminder that marketing doesn’t mean you have to make cold calls. It doesn’t mean

Content Marketing and the Soft Sell

Chris Bibey wrote an interesting post over at on selling your writing services, and how marketing / selling makes some freelance writers uncomfortable. His post got me thinking about hard-sell versus soft-sell and why, when it comes to “selling yourself” to clients, people seem to automatically picture hard-sell tactics. First things first – what’s the difference? When you hard-sell, you essentially scream “buy from

Media Coverage for Your Blog (or Yourself!) – Radio Interviews

Darren Rowse recently posted an article on ProBlogger about How to Get Media Coverage for Your Blog. Given that PR is my primary area of expertise, it’s a subject pretty near and dear to my heart – I’ve decided to expand upon it here. After reading one of the latest comments about someone doing a radio interview, giving their blog URL ( in the interview,

Holiday Marketing for Freelance Writers

This is the first of a new monthly feature here at All Freelance Writing. Every month, we’ll talk about marketing things you should be thinking about during that time of the year (or if there’s not much “special” going on, we’ll cover some general marketing you can think about during that month). It’s October and, like it or not, it’s time to start thinking about

The 3 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Freelance Writers Make

Let’s forget about “good” writers today – I want you to think about successful writers. Do you know what they tend to have in common? They’re strong marketers. Being a solid writer simply isn’t enough. Remember, freelance writing is a business – treat it like one, and you’ll improve your chances of reaching whatever goals you set for yourself. Unfortunately, sometimes even the best writers

Virtual Publicity Tours – Not Only for Authors

I recently posted about virtual publicity tours, and how authors can use various online promotional strategies to promote a new book. But virtual publicity tours are for more than authors – freelance writers (as well as anyone with something to promote) can also make use of them. Focusing on virtual blog tours specifically, it’s really nothing more than basic blogger relations. Blogger Relations for Freelance

Using Your Writing to Market Your Writing

As a freelance writer, you have a free marketing tool at your disposal – your ability to write. When marketing your freelance writing services, how can you leverage your ability to write in order to attract more clients? Try these writing-related marketing tips to showcase your writing ability while bringing in more work: Start a Blog By setting up your own blog, you get to

Marketing Plans for Freelance Writers

Coming from a marketing / PR background, I understand the importance of marketing plans, and consider them vital for any kind of business or independent professional. Yet as a freelancer, I can also understand the reluctance in writing a marketing plan that’s too formal and detailed. Some writers simply don’t know where to start or how to plan their yearly marketing strategies. Others don’t know

Connecting With Customers

We talked the other day about an example of an editor personally connecting with a buyer (in this case, me) after a purchase. It was an excellent example of relationship building with your target market for your book. So today I want to ask you… how else can authors build a relationship with their audience, whether one-on-one or not? I’ll kick it off with a

Case Study: Building a Relationship With Your Audience

First of all, let me apologize for my long absence from All Book Marketing. Today seemed like a good day to get things back on track after a particularly pleasant exchange with an editor who demonstrated an important element of book PR: building a relationship with your audience. It’s no secret that I’m a big advocate of author blogging to promote books and interact with

Cold Contacting Prospective Clients

Cold calling or emailing prospective clients to offer your services can be an effective way to bring in business as a freelance writer. However, many writers are turned off by the idea because they lack confidence. I haven’t used cold contacting in quite some time, because I’ve been kept pretty busy with referrals and my own sites. I came across a company running a service

Marketing Tip: Create a Marketing Calendar

While a marketing calendar can be an important tool in book marketing, it can also help writers of all kinds promote their work more efficiently. What is a Marketing Calendar? A marketing calendar is a calendar (you can choose whether to make it monthly, weekly, or daily), where you lay out your planned marketing activities based on events throughout the year. How to Create Your

Marketing Tip: Forum Posting

Advertising your writing services on writing forums may seem like a natural marketing activity to bring in freelance writing clients, but it probably won’t be the most effective way to harness forum postings to bring in gigs. Here’s why: A forum for writers to network won’t necessarily be overflowing with clients looking to hire within your niche. A writing forum is going to very likely

How to Keep Your Client Relationships Fresh Online

Latoya had a third great question for this week’s reader question set: Question “Anytime I’ve worked with clients for more than a few months, I noticed the relationship gets kind of stale. It becomes a very robotic process of receiving assignments, returning the work, and then receiving payment. So, do you have any advice for relationship building when you work with someone strictly via email?”

Tips to Set Up a Referral System With Clients

Here’s another question from Latoya of Writers Brew: Question What tips do you have for creating a referral system using existing clients? Answer I can’t say that I’ve ever set up a referral “system” with my existing clients. I’m a big believer in natural referrals whenever possible… they just carry more weight. My clients are happy with my work, and they refer me to their

Marketing Tip: Use Business Cards to Get Referrals

As freelance writers, it’s not uncommon to have our work referred to potential clients from past clients or from other writers (or other publishing professionals in our networks). But too many writers stop there, when referral possibilities can seem practically endless if you really put some thought into it. Business cards are just the tool to help you improve your referral network. Here’s how: Online

My Number One Marketing Tip for Writers

People are always asking what the “best” marketing tool or tactic is. While marketing tactics can’t be the same for everyone and every purpose, there’s one surefire marketing rule that any writer would benefit from, no matter their style, level, or niche: Do something to market your writing every single day! Yes, seven days a week. Even on your days “off,” there’s no excuse not

Writers: Network for Referrals

One of the most important things you can do as a freelance writer (whether you work predominantly online or off) is networking with other writers. Many of the best freelance writing gigs are never published, but can be passed along by writers in your network who have come across it through their contacts. A strong network can also lead to referrals. All writers will occasionally