Asking for Referrals: Three Tips

One of the best ways to land new clients and make more money is to ask for referrals. Believe it or not, your current clients may be able to send a lot of new business your way – if you play your cards right.

Freelance Writing Referral Tips

1. Don’t jump the gun. Your client is not going to pass your name around to others before they know exactly what you have to offer. In short, you have to establish a strong relationship before you begin to ask for referrals. In some cases, this takes several months or longer.

2. Be open and honest. Some people try to “hint around” at the fact that they want referrals. This is too much work. Instead, be upfront in saying that you value referrals and would love to have your name passed along as often as possible.

Many clients will not forward your information to somebody else until they have your permission. This is why it is so important to make it known that referrals are an important part of your business.

3. Give something back. It is critical to continually thank your clients for any new business they send. No matter if it is a simple email, a thank you card, or a box of cookies, make sure you show just how appreciative you are.

If applicable, it is always nice to return the favor through a referral of your own.

By following these three tips you will find it much easier to ask current clients for referrals.

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1 thought on “Asking for Referrals: Three Tips”

  1. Great tips! That’s so true about some clients being afraid to pass your info along. They’re worried that either you’re already too busy and will consider it an imposition or they don’t want to pass around someone’s contact information. It’s important to let them know it’s okay by you. You might even give them a specific link to share when they refer someone (like to your rates or portfolio page) which will help to ensure only the most relevant referrals actually contact you (as opposed to those needing someone with a different specialty, those who can’t afford you, etc.).


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