Why Author PR can be more Important than Book PR

We all know that you have to promote your books if you want them to sell. We should also all know that book PR is a great component of that whole process – the part where you show your book is relevant to potential readers, bring it to their attention, and get some buzz generated. But when working on a book PR campaign, I think

Successfully Managing Multiple Blogs

I mentioned in a recent post that I’m a bit of a blog addict. I have my ups and downs – times where all or most of my blogs are updated regularly (like now) and times where they start to slip a bit. All of those “up” times have something in common though – the planning and organization I put into my blog postings. I

Identifying the Target Market for Your Book

Before you can think about promoting your book, you have to identify your target market – the people most likely to buy your book. Why? Because if you don’t properly target your audience, you’ll waste time and money on ineffective marketing or promotional tactics. Planning is as important in marketing a book as it is in marketing a business. On top of needing to know

Damn! Why Didn’t I Write That? – Book Review

Not too long ago, I announced that I would be reviewing two books promising to teach you how to write a novel in 30 days and that I would then be pitting them against each other in actual tests. (Read the reviews or you can visit my book marketing blog to follow my progress with the two plans.) In the comments of that announcement, I

Using Your Writing to Market Your Writing

As a freelance writer, you have a free marketing tool at your disposal – your ability to write. When marketing your freelance writing services, how can you leverage your ability to write in order to attract more clients? Try these writing-related marketing tips to showcase your writing ability while bringing in more work: Start a Blog By setting up your own blog, you get to

Marketing Plans for Freelance Writers

Coming from a marketing / PR background, I understand the importance of marketing plans, and consider them vital for any kind of business or independent professional. Yet as a freelancer, I can also understand the reluctance in writing a marketing plan that’s too formal and detailed. Some writers simply don’t know where to start or how to plan their yearly marketing strategies. Others don’t know

Installing WordPress Themes

So we talked about how to install WordPress on your own domain if you want to set up a new blog to showcase your writing. There Latoya asked a good question – how can you install a new theme / design to change the look (see my past post on how I choose WordPress themes and site templates)? The process is actually very easy, and

Installing a WordPress Blog

Yesterday someone asked me how they would set up a WordPress blog at their own domain. The simple answer is: Register a domain name. Set up a Web hosting account. Install WordPress (from WordPress.org or through your host). I won’t walk you through the process of setting up a hosting account or registering a domain name. Your host can help you with that, and the

Building Confidence as a Freelance Writer

If there’s one thing that successful freelance writers have in common, it’s confidence. It’s tough to succeed on your own in any line of work if you don’t. Here’s why: If you’re not confident in your abilities, you’ll struggle to “sell yourself” to clients. If you’re not confident in your work, it’s unlikely that you’ll charge what you’re worth, raise your rates when you want

Flipping Websites

Here’s a revenue stream option for writers that I don’t think we’ve really talked about much – flipping websites or blogs. Yesterday I sold two of my websites that I didn’t feel like managing / updating anymore – AboutGreenLiving.com and FreePressReleaseWriting.com. I liked the domains. I liked the potential each had. But I already have my “big three” sites that take most of my time,

Setting Up a Website or Blog: My Favorite Resources

I’ve mentioned repeatedly in the past that I think all freelance writers could benefit from having their own professional website and / or blog to showcase their writing and niche expertise. Today I’m going to share my own favorite resources – the tools and services I use repeatedly when setting up new sites or blogs, and why I use them. Web Hosting I have hosting

Write a Novel in 30 Days – Two Reviews

I mentioned previously that I would be reviewing two similar books here on a topic we don’t talk about much – writing a novel. In the case of these two books, both promise to teach you how to write a first draft of your novel in just 30 days. Why Talk About Novel Writing on a Freelance Writing Blog? There’s nothing to say that freelance

Five-Step Plan to Setting and Achieving Goals for Your Freelance Writing Career

We all like to talk about goals at the end of the year, when we’re figuring out what we want to change in our writing careers – we want to earn more, take on more clients, take on different types of clients, launch a blog, write a book or e-book, etc. But how can a freelance writer set realistically attainable goals for their freelance writing

How to Become a Better Web Content Writer

Do you want to improve your Web content writing skills or learn how to become a Web content writer, branching out from other types of freelance writing? I was recently asked how a writer could learn more about Web content writing, from someone previously more involved with print formats. If you’re in a similar boat, here’s what I suggest: Read Web Content When you’re learning

How to Choose a Specialty as a Freelance Writer

I’m always telling freelance writers that it’s best to specialize, especially when they ask me how they can earn more money writing. As a refresher, here’s why I think specialization in freelance writing is so important: Having intimate knowledge of a niche or type of writing can speed up the writing process (leaving you with more billable hours in a day, or more “extra” time

Connecting With Customers

We talked the other day about an example of an editor personally connecting with a buyer (in this case, me) after a purchase. It was an excellent example of relationship building with your target market for your book. So today I want to ask you… how else can authors build a relationship with their audience, whether one-on-one or not? I’ll kick it off with a

Case Study: Building a Relationship With Your Audience

First of all, let me apologize for my long absence from All Book Marketing. Today seemed like a good day to get things back on track after a particularly pleasant exchange with an editor who demonstrated an important element of book PR: building a relationship with your audience. It’s no secret that I’m a big advocate of author blogging to promote books and interact with

Freelance Writing Myths

Stop believing in freelance writing myths says Chris Bibey of ChrisBlogging – he recently exposed some common myths on his blog. All I can say is “Shhhhh Chris!!! The more people believe that crap, the better it is for the rest of us!” 😉 I’m just kidding of course. Chris makes some good points. I’d like to add one. Chris says: “It takes too long

Can You Write a Book in a Month?

Do you think you could draft a book in about 30 days? Two authors say you can, and I plan to find out how effective each of their methods are. I’m currently in the process of reviewing Karen S. Wiesner’s First Draft In 30 Days and Victoria Lynn Schmidt’s Book in a Month. When I finish reading and evaluating each, I’ll be posting head-to-head reviews

Should You Share Your Freelance Writing Income?

Should freelance writers share information about their freelance writing income publicly? Some writers do so regularly on their writing blogs. Others refuse to ever share details about how much they make, and how they do it. What’s right for you? Let’s explore the issue. Is Talking About Money Really Taboo? I’d argue that disclosing income information hasn’t been “taboo” in the freelance writing profession for

Using WordPress to Host a Non-Blog Site

Today’s topic on building blogs and professional sites as a freelance writer comes from Zac Schuessler. Zac points out that you don’t necessarily have to create one or the other. If you like working on a blog platform, you can use one to run a more basic site (or a combination professional site / blog). In particular, Zac brings up the subject of magazine-style (or

Overcoming Freelance Stress

Being a freelance writer can be stressful at times. That stress may be because you have a lot of work going on at once, or because work is slow and you’re stressing while you try to find new clients. No matter what the reason is, you have to deal with the stress before it completely consumes you. I’ve been particularly stressed with work lately. It’s

Moving a Blog from One Platform to Another

I recently asked you to come up with questions about setting up your own professional site or blog as a freelance writer. Today I’m going to address Kristi Holl’s question about moving a site from one blog platform to another. Question: I have heard a lot of talk about moving your blog from something like blogspot to your own website, using a free service like

How to Find Writers’ Markets Online

Many writers markets are listed in online collections, from paid writers market listings such as WritersMarket.com to various free listings on blogs and freelance writing sites. The only problems with those sources are that they often feature the same writers markets, and they’re frequented by large numbers of freelance writers, meaning more competition for the writing gigs. If you’re tired of coming across the same

HTML Basics for Writers and Bloggers

If you write content for the Web, you probably already know about certain Web writing basics, like using short paragraphs, bold sub-headings, and lists to help make your articles “scannable” to readers browsing them for something specific. If you’re writing for clients, and they ask to have you write in plain text with HTML, do you know how to do those things? Here are a

Free Blog Hosts vs Hosting Your Own Blog

The following is a post I wrote a while back about blog hosting options. It doesn’t only apply to freelance writers, but I wanted to share it here directly, since we’re talking this month about setting up professional websites and blogs. I’m sure some of you will have different opinions, so do feel free to share them. — Many new bloggers launch their first blog

Setting up a Professional Website as a Freelance Writer

I doubt there’s a single case where I wouldn’t suggest that a freelance writer set up a professional website and portfolio. Do you have one yet? You can take a look at mine currently at ProBusinessWriter.com. If you’d like to share your own professional site, leave a link in the comments. But what if you don’t have a professional website yet? Where do you start?

Kristen King on Queries and Rejections

Continuing our series of short interviews with freelance writers, I picked the brain of Kristen King (of InkThinker) on the issues of queries and rejections: What motivated you to create the InkThinker Query Challenge? What’s the most rewarding aspect of it for you personally? I wish I had paid closer attention to my early thought process, because I can’t remember as much as I would

What's in Your Swipe File?

I love swipe files. In my case it’s more of a combination of a swipe pile and collection of swipe bookmarks, but anyway…. If you’re not familiar with swipe files, it’s basically a collection of information that you can use for inspiration in your writing. Here are some of the things I keep in my swipe file: Magazine headlines if I think the format is

Rebecca Garland on Being a WAHM Freelance Writer

I’m launching a new series of short interviews with freelance writers, where I’m asking them five or so questions on a topic they’re particularly experienced with. Today you get to hear from Rebecca Garland: wife, mother, and freelance writer. Rebecca shares some of her thoughts on juggling work and family life when you’re a freelance writer staying home with the little ones. You’re a WAHM