Free Scrivener Case Study Template

Yesterday I announced a new Tuesday Quick Tips series for the blog. Today marks the start of another series -- Wednesday Resources. Every Wednesday (at least through the test period in June), I'll either release a new resource for All Freelance Writing readers or I'll promote a resource I highly recommend. Through June I already have new resources lined up every week though. .

That brings us to today's resource, the next in my series of Scrivener project templates. Like the last one -- a white paper template -- this one was designed for freelance writers.

This week's Scrivener template is a case study template that you can use for client projects or to write case studies to promote your own writing business.

About the Scrivener Case Study Template

My Scrivener case study template is a simple project template to help you organize a draft. Like with the white paper template, it's broken down by common sections. You can see these in the Binder view list below:

Scrivener case study template

In the research folder you'll find documents where you can include statistics you might want to use (such as a client's conversion stats before and after you tweaked their marketing copy). There is also a document to store quotes from your client so you can pick and choose from them later, highlighting ones that best support your case study's story.

Download & Install the Template

This project template should work for both Mac and Windows Scrivener users. Remember that you have to import the template; you can't simply try to open it like a project file.


* Please remember to unzip / extract the Scrivener template file from the compressed (.zip) folder that you download. You must do this before importing the template into Scrivener. Also remember that you must either copy and paste the extracted template file into the folder on your system where Scrivener templates are stored, or you must import the template through Scrivener. In the Windows version, for example, you go to your File menu and click "New Project." On the next screen, go to the Options mention near the lower left corner. Choose "import templates." Find the file you extracted, and Scrivener will import the template for you.

Don't miss the rest of my free Scrivener templates including the white paper template, single blog template, and multi-blog template. If you'd like to suggest a Scrivener template idea, feel free to contact me.

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6 thoughts on “Free Scrivener Case Study Template”

  1. Thank you! I’ve been scouring the web looking for business templates for freelancers to use with Scrivener. I was just searching for instructions on how to create my own when I found your Case Study (white paper, blog, multi-blog *swoon*) template. This is a very appreciative girl over here, thanks again!

    • There is no EXE file. It’s a .zip (compressed folder). After downloading, you have to decompress / extract it before you can use the file inside. When you do try to use that file, you can’t simply open it like a Scrivener project file. Make sure you use Scrivener’s template import function instead. That’s what adds it to your template collection to be re-used for multiple projects.


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