What to Take to a Face-to-Face Meeting

Yesterday, I spent the day out of my office meeting with potential clients. While it took up several hours, in the end it was well worth it as I closed a couple of deals.

During my time in the car, driving from one appointment to the next, I began to think about what I really needed by my side and what I could have left at the office. Here is what I came up with.

1. Samples. It is true that many clients want to see samples. That being said, most people never ask me for these when we meet in person. Instead, we talk about my experience and past work and agree that I will forward samples via email at a later time.

While you may never be asked to produce samples, you always want to have these with you just in case.

2. Resume. I keep a nice stack of resumes in a folder that I take to every meeting. Even if the client does not ask to see it, I always hand them one. Not only is this good for conversation during the meeting, but it gives the person something to hang onto and review later on.

3. iPad. Believe it or not, this is something that has saved me many times when meeting with clients. Although everybody has a computer in their office, most of my meetings tend to take place in a conference room. With the help of my iPad, I can show live samples and produce online information on the spot.

If you have been thinking about purchasing a tablet, the ability to take it with you to meetings may be the excuse you need to move forward.

What other items do you take with you when meeting with potential freelance writing clients?

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4 thoughts on “What to Take to a Face-to-Face Meeting”

  1. I purchased the iPad specifically to run my freelance business. It has proved invaluable when it comes to showing my online portfolio, as well as a PDF portfolio. There are also great apps to bring up a contract, edit, sign, and email to both you and the client. Completely worth it.

  2. I’ll take printouts of their web pages to show them how I can improve their web content. I’ll also print out infographics or make my own that show the importance of using social media to grow a business. I never leave home without my business and or postcards in addition to my resume, references, and portfolio. I don’t have an iPad because I think it’s too heavy and clunky. I’m waiting for a better design. Then again, I could purchase different brand of tablet or netbook.


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