Bullet Journals for Writers

NOTE: This post on bullet journals for writers is a significantly updated version of my 2018 post on how I use various types of journaling to manage nearly everything in my business and my life. In this 2021 update, the focus is much more centered on bullet journals in particular. Here you’ll find my updated list of bullet journal spreads and even more bullet journal

Negative SEO: Are Unethical Competitors Affecting Your Business?

Note: The following is an archived email newsletter, originally distributed on January 26, 2021. Minor updates were made as-necessary. To receive content like this before it appears in archives, subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter and blog updates. This week’s blog post on ethics creep was inspired by a conversation with Peter Bowerman relating to professional ethics in the writing community. It also ties

The Issue of “Ethics Creep” in the Writing Community

I recently caught up with fellow freelance writer and author of The Well-Fed Writer, Peter Bowerman. One topic that came up in our conversation was professional ethics and some of the problematic behavior we’ve seen in the writing community in recent years. Or, as Peter put it, we discussed the issue of “ethics creep.” What I’d like to do today is explain what this means.

3 Freelance Writing Predictions for 2021

Note: The following is an archived email newsletter, originally distributed on January 19, 2021. Minor updates were made as-necessary. To receive content like this before it appears in archives, subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter and blog updates. With each new year comes changes, some we choose for ourselves and others we have little control over. I don’t often make yearly predictions, but this

Common Flaws with Freelance Industry Surveys

It’s that time of year again. No doubt, if you haven’t already, you’ll start to see freelance industry surveys. They might summarize 2020, or they might offer trend predictions for 2021. Industry surveys can be fun to review, but be careful about using them to make serious business decisions. Let’s look at why industry surveys can be interesting. Then we’ll go into some common flaws

30 Paying Markets for Short Fiction

Most freelance writing gigs are of a nonfiction nature, but if you’re looking to flex your creative muscles, freelance writers’ markets also exist for short fiction. It’s important to note that fiction often pays less, and sometimes much less, than more traditional freelance writing jobs. But if you want to try your hand at it, below you’ll find some markets to consider submitting your work to. What

WordPress for Writers: Tips, Tricks & Essential Plugins

Disclosure: This post on WordPress for Writers contains affiliate links. That means if you purchase after clicking on my links, I might receive a commission on the sale. To learn more, read my “No-BS Affiliate Promotion Policy.” In this post on WordPress for writers, we’ll explore everything from your basic setup to tips and tricks to help you further customize your site and keep it more

Red Flags in Freelance Writing Job Ads (& What They Really Mean)

If you’ve ever searched freelance writing job ads, chances are good you’ve seen something that made you think “Huh?” Maybe something felt “off” in the job description. Perhaps the pay details looked sketchy. While I haven’t sought leads through freelance writing job ads for my own work in years, I do browse them regularly to curate some of the better listings here. And boy oh

How to Write Faster (for Freelance Writers & Bloggers)

You’ve probably heard this line before: “Fast. Cheap. Good. You can only have two.” That’s true in freelance writing as in most things. Clients have to prioritize. As a freelance writer, you don’t want your clients prioritizing “cheap” work when they hire you. That means you’ll need to provide those other two benefits: being good and being fast. In this case, “being good” means being

30 Queries in 30 Days – Freelance Writing Challenge

If you’re feeling a bit stuck in a rut with marketing your services, why not try a freelance writing challenge to mix things up or motivate you to try something different? I’m a big fan of challenges. I set one or more writing challenges for myself almost every month. And today I’d like to suggest one that could bring you a few new freelance writing

30 Blog Posts in 30 Days Blogging Challenge

If you’re looking for a way to take your blogging to the next level, either on your niche blog or your freelance writer blog on your professional site, publishing more often is a good place to start. That doesn’t mean slacking off on quality of course, but more regular blog posts equal more chances to have your site found. That can lead to more freelance

How Can My Freelance Writing Business Survive the Coronavirus Pandemic? [Reader Question]

Today’s reader question comes from Christian Simmons, one of several writers to reach out to me as the current coronavirus pandemic hit their freelance writing businesses. A common theme is freelancers wondering if they should start specializing in pandemic-related content for the time being. Now, in Christian’s case, he’s a health writer who might have interview contacts that would make this feasible. But that’s not

Review: Find Your Freelance Writing Niches from John Soares

This is a review of Find Your Freelance Writing Niches, a course from John Soares of ProductiveWriters.com. As I do in any review, I’ll share an overview with you followed by highlights, suggestions, and my overall verdict. For full disclosure, while this is not an affiliate review, John did provide me with access to the course materials for review. Let’s start by taking a look at how

Divi WordPress Theme: Why I Can No Longer Recommend It

Note: The following is an archived email newsletter, originally distributed on October 22, 2019. Minor updates were made as-necessary. To receive content like this before it appears in archives, subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter and blog updates. For years now I’ve been a fan of Elegant Themes, especially their Divi WordPress theme. I’ve been using it since its initial release. I was in

Introducing Freelance Writing Pros

Over the past 13 years, All Freelance Writing has published over 3000 posts. There are still about 1500 in the archives after post merges, purges, and some being split off onto other sites. But it’s still a lot of content and doesn’t even include things like the podcast and numerous tools and downloadable resources. The vast majority of that content was written with beginner freelance writers in

Stop Romanticizing the “Starving Artist”

Note: The following is an archived email newsletter, originally distributed on August 27, 2019. Minor updates were made as-necessary. To receive content like this before it appears in archives, subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter and blog updates. If you’ve been on Twitter over the last few days, you’ve probably seen authors and other writers talking about the old “starving artist” myth. This was sparked by

Websites & Blogs that Pay Writers $500 or More

One of the more popular posts here at All Freelance Writing is my auto-updated list of websites and blogs that pay $100 or more per article. But $100 per post isn’t the great rate some newer freelancers think it is. That’s a low rate on the professional scale, though thankfully those gigs are advertised more often these days than even just a few years ago.

Why I’m Saying “Goodbye” to MailChimp

Note: The following is an archived email newsletter, originally distributed on July 8, 2019. Minor updates were made as-necessary. To receive content like this before it appears in archives, subscribe to the All Freelance Writing newsletter and blog updates. For about six years, I’ve used MailChimp as my email marketing service. It had its perks. It had its downsides. But overall I was happy with

Poetry Writers’ Markets Paying $50 (and more!)

  Most freelance writing markets promoted here revolve around nonfiction writing. But plenty of outlets are interested in your more creative writing as well — such as poetry. These poetry writers’ markets can pay $50, and sometimes much more, for accepted poems. Like other market lists at All Freelance Writing, be sure to check this one often if you’re looking to become a published poet.

Updates & Improvements to the Job Board, Writer Directory, and More

In my last update here I let you know that the All Freelance Writing blog would no longer be updated regularly but that the site as a whole would continue to serve as a resource through more frequent updates to the freelance writing job board and writers’ market database, as well as the freelance writer directory. And I’ll also be updating older content in the

Freelance Writing Markets Paying $1000 Per Article or More

With the newly re-launched writers’ markets directory here at All Freelance Writing, I have the ability to create and share specialized markets with you that will automatically update when markets are added, removed, or changed in the database. For example, if you’re looking for freelance writing assignments in magazines or higher-competition online publications, this is an updated list of markets that pay $1000 (and more) for

Freelance Writing Away From Home (& Mini Writing Retreats)

If you work from a home office most of the time, things can start to feel a bit dull before long. There might come a time when you want to work on freelance writing projects pretty much anywhere else just for a change of scenery. You could take the traditional routes of office-sharing, working in cafes, or writing from your local library (a great option

The Problem with Pay Based on Location in Freelance Writing

Every week I curate ads for the freelance writing job board here at All Freelance Writing. That means digging through a lot of garbage to find a few gems. And one type of ad I sometimes see deserves a bit of attention — those with pay based on location. What do I mean exactly? These are the ads that either outright say your pay as

First Quarter Freelance Writing Check-in: 2018

Every year I try to share my business and writing goals with you here on the blog. And every quarter I post updates about what’s going well (and what’s not). My hope is that it will inspire some of you to focus more on planning and reflection in your own freelance writing businesses. It’s that time again. If nothing else, know this: Sometimes things go

Freelance Writer Blogs: An Introduction

We’ve been talking recently about freelance writer websites and how they can help you attract prospects and convert them into clients. Today let’s focus on a particular element of professional sites — freelance writer blogs. Now, I’m not talking about freelance writing blogs, where you write about freelance writing itself, and where your content is for other writers. The vast majority of freelancers don’t need those, and

Why You Should Publish Your Freelance Writing Rates

In my review of David Rodeck’s professional website, one of the things I suggested was to publish his freelance writing rates (or, at the very least, remove the Rates page that really only had payment terms). I’ve long advocated making your rates public. I’ve never had a newer writer I worked with tell me they regret adding rates to their site after I’ve prompted them

How to Prepare Your Professional Website for a Break

Do you ever feel overwhelmed, and you just need to step away and take some time to yourself? Maybe you still intend to work, but you just want some quiet time away from other people while you do so you can recharge and clear your head a bit. When that happens, what should you do with your professional website? You might be inclined to leave

Freelance Writer Website Review – David Rodeck

Earlier this week, we went through my professional site to show you the kinds of plans you might make after conducting a content audit. Yesterday we took a look at Yolander Prinzel’s freelance writer website. And today I’d like to follow up with one more site review, for David Rodeck. David Rodeck is a business and financial writer similar to Yolander, so this is a

Freelance Writer Website Review – Yolander Prinzel

When we looked at 5 freelance writer websites done well, I critiqued some professional writer websites to give you ideas about how to improve your own. I also opened it up for review requests for others who wanted public site reviews here on the blog. Yolander Prinzel was the first writer to take me up on that. Yolander is a freelance financial writer, and back

Improving My Freelance Writer Website (& How You Can Improve Yours)

No freelance writer website is perfect. I pointed that out when we looked at five freelance writer websites done well. That includes my own site, ProBusinessWriter.com. And today I’d like to use it as an example to show you the kinds of things you might want to change by picking it apart a bit here on the blog. About a year ago I updated the