Is your Marketing Strategy Organized?

As you know, marketing your services as a freelance writer is important – there is no two ways about it. Although it is good that you are spending time on marketing, it is essential that you stay as organized as possible. There are several reasons for this:

1. When you are organized it is simple to see what is and isn’t working. Are you having more success with cold emails or cold calls? How many jobs have you landed from queries that you mailed to editors? These are the types of statistics that you want to keep track of as you continue to market your services.

2. It helps to save you time in the long run. There is no denying that it can be time consuming to record every last thing you do. But remember, as time goes on this information will become more and more valuable. Wouldn’t it be nice to look back at the end of the year to see which marketing strategies worked the best? This will help to save you time in the future because you will know where to focus your energy.

3. You will feel better about yourself and the direction you are headed. The last thing you want is to get the feeling that your marketing campaign is a waste of time. If doubts begin to creep into your head, it will greatly affect your progress. Being organized helps to ensure that you know where you came from, as well as where you are headed.

If you have been “winging it” in the past, now is the time to organize your marketing strategy. As you can see from the points above, this is critical to your long term success.

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3 thoughts on “Is your Marketing Strategy Organized?”

  1. Freelance writers will benefit from knowing the following:

    1. Who is your target market?
    2. What value do you add?
    3. How could you narrow your focus? Product? Service?
    4. Who else can help me sell this?
    5. What is your reason for being in this business?
    6. How many lives/businesses benefits from my services/products?
    7. What makes you different/better?
    8. How are you changing your industry?

    Answer these and other questions and you’ll be able create your marketing strategy and follow through with it.

  2. Wow – very timely. I’m about to reposition myself this month and need to get organized and hopefully reduce time spent while increasing revenues. It’s a lot like starting over, but workable. 🙂


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