Chamber of Commerce Networking Tips

Are you looking to get in touch with potential clients from your local area? If so, you may want to think about joining at least one chamber of commerce. This may sound like a lot of work, but once you know what you are doing it can bring in new business on a regular basis.

Here are three chamber of commerce networking tips:

1. Choose a chamber that has a large membership base. Remember, the more people you can connect with the better chance there is of landing new work. Along with this, members of your chamber will be open to passing your name along to their network. More members mean more referrals.

2. Attend all the events and meet-ups sponsored by your chamber of commerce. You pay money to be part of this group, so you should do whatever you can to improve your chance of success. If you are not going to attend the events put on by your chamber there is no reason to join in the first place.

3. Give and receive. This article is all about joining a chamber of commerce to find new freelance writing clients. But remember, everybody else in the group has something to sell as well. Keep your eyes and ears open – you never know what somebody else can do for you. From a banker to a certified public accountant, you may be able to find help for your business.

No matter where you live there is probably at least one chamber of commerce in the area. If you have any questions about how the group works, including fees and events, contact the appropriate party.

You may find this a simple way to gain new clients.

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2 thoughts on “Chamber of Commerce Networking Tips”

  1. The other thing is that you don’t necessarily have to stump up the dollars right away. If you contact them and say you’re thinking of joining, they might let you go to an event for free to see if it’s right for you or not. My Chamber offered me that ages ago, and I still have yet to take them up on it. I know, I should. It’s not even that expensive really – works out to not quite US$250 for a year.

  2. Thanks for the reminder about networking within a Chamber of Commerce. It’s a great place to find new clients and get involved within the community. You can develop strong relationships that can serve you and the greater good at the same time.


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